Man dresses as ISIS fighter and ‘walks straight across German border controls’ – IOTW Report

Man dresses as ISIS fighter and ‘walks straight across German border controls’


The man, dressed as an fighter with a fake gun and the terror network’s flag, claims in a video to have crossed the border several times.

In his several alleged crossings back and forth between the two countries, not once is he stopped or questioned by any authorities.

The video, uploaded to YouTube, has not been verified and it is not clear where exactly it was filmed. It comes almost a week after Isis claimed responsibility for the , which claimed 12 lives and injured many more, on Monday.

Alongside the video, the uploader writes: “A Danish citizen dressed up in Islamic State gear, flag and fake gun to show how pathetic the border is between and Denmark.

ISIS fighter crosses European borderht/ rob e.

10 Comments on Man dresses as ISIS fighter and ‘walks straight across German border controls’

  1. Of course, this could be the US border too.

    This imposter would look more authentic with his finger or a large knife stuck up in the air as he lectures the West.

    In the second pic, it appears as though a spear has impaled his skull.

  2. this kid is a known loon with the boarder guards and they just laugh at him most of the time. in fact they took the pictures and video of him to help him with his winter break project, it’s titled: ‘Hvad jeg gjorde på min vinterferie’ translated: What I did on my winter holiday. I’m sure he’ll get a passing grade now.

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