Man files $300K lawsuit after he says he found a dead rat in his beer can – IOTW Report

Man files $300K lawsuit after he says he found a dead rat in his beer can

NBC Philadelphia- A North Texas man filed a lawsuit against MillerCoors and 7-Eleven Monday, saying he drank a beer that had “a dead rat marinating in it” two years ago.

steel reserve beer

According to the lawsuit, in August 2013 Marco Antonio Navarro bought a 24-ounce can of Steel Reserve beer from a 7-Eleven store along Highway 356 in Irving.

When he got home, Navarro said he cracked open one of the cans and began drinking the beer. He reported he soon felt a “tingle on his lips and noticed the liquid was not flowing out properly,” according to the lawsuit.


27 Comments on Man files $300K lawsuit after he says he found a dead rat in his beer can

  1. I lived in Irving many years ago, and then the place was DRY. You had to go over to Big-D to buy alcohol. Recall that even Texas Stadium was dry. So, when did they vote Irving ‘wet’? Probably when all the illegals moved in, right?

  2. Unruly – even rats wouldn’t voluntarily drink Steel Reserve. It calls itself a “lager” but is just foul tasting malt liquor. But …….. 3 or 4 cans is enough to get pretty lit and give you a bad headache. Not that I have any experience with it.

  3. Moe – I’m thinking that he meant that he doesn’t drink the Steel Reserve which is a smart move. I’m all about bang for the buck, but I couldn’t stomach it so I moved on to the premium stuff ……. Milwaukee’s Best Ice. I know it’s premium stuff ’cause it says it right there on the 24 oz. can that costs $1.

  4. Unruly – My 84 year old dad has cirrhosis (says you could put all the alcohol he ever drank in a gallon jug). He was building fluid (ascites) at the rate of a liter a week 2.5 years ago. He had 33 liters drawn off in about 6 months while he was on 2 diuretics.

    I put him on a supplement protocol targeting the liver. It has been more than 18 months since he had any fluid at all drained and he is only on a single 25 mg dose daily of spironolactone (aldactone). His last ultrasound showed that his liver was normal size (it was very enlarged initially).

    If you’re interested, please ask BFH for my email address. I’d be glad to send you his supplement protocol (things like milk thistle, alpha lipoic acid and a few more). It has definitely turned his overall prognosis around. His gastroenterologist keeps saying he can’t treat cirrhosis – only manage the symptoms, but I think he is trying to convince himself more than us.

  5. Bubba’s Brother, you are a good man. And I appreciate the offer – you are the first person to ever offer me the right cure, and that’s no joke.

    Let me explain. I started drinking before I was a teenager, and quit in 1987 because it started making me sick. Had a liver biopsy in ’94 and was given some bad news about lifespan.
    So I started researching and learned about those things you mentioned, plus Noni juice more recently. And all of my liver functions have been normal for over a decade now. Milk thistle is amazingly good for the liver. I think doctors are embarrassed by how much better it works than anything they have.

    I swore off doctors when I learned that the natural cures were so much better than the pharmaceutical poisons. I do still have to see a surgeon and a GI doctor once a year, but don’t have a primary care doctor and don’t want one.
    I use a lot of vitamins and supplements and have several books on natural medicine.
    D-3, curcumin, milk thistle, alpha lapoic acid, royal jelly, olive leaf extract, probiotics, B-complex with a huge dose of B-12, Astragalus, I take most of those daily. Noni juice is the one I never miss – first thing in the morning, it works wonders. Noni is 70% as effective as morphine for pain, and no side effects. Wonderful stuff.

    So there is a good chance that I have a lot of that information already, and the liver is working pretty good now, for what it’s been through. But I think I would still like to see your supplement protocol, in case I am missing something. So I will ask BFH for your email address.

    Thank you so much my friend.

  6. More likely the Yankee effect. It is the one thing my Yankee friends were always commenting on. ” What the hell is this ‘dry area’ thing? Why do you have to drive someplace else to get anything?”

    My answer to them: Long story short – Baptists. Wasn’t that long ago that the sidewalks were rolled up on Sundays. Blue laws, they called them. You also couldn’t buy an assortment of odd things on consecutive Saturdays and Sundays – like panty hose or baby bottles. It was very strange.

    Being able to buy beer at my local grocery store is a recent development.

  7. What bullshit. The man says he goes through hell for two years before finally launching a lawsuit. He and his lawyers are just hoping for a quick out of court settlement for a couple of hundred grand and what’s more he’ll probably get it.

    The US needs Tort reform in the worst possible way. It will reduce healthcare costs as well as the cost of goods sold, auto insurance, just about any insurance. If done correctly it would go a long way to eliminating lawsuit mining like this one while allowing real lawsuits to go forward with reasonable limitations. The only problem is that the various lawyer association have deep pocketed lobbyists on DC who have the Democrats in their pocket and would direct them to fight any sort of reform tooth and nail.

  8. @Trooper John Smith: I live in Irving now, and it was dry until the 2008 election. After losing time after time, the pro-wet team finally got smart and had the election during the presidential election. The hordes of voters who turned out for 0bama turned it “damp”. Only beer and wine are sold here in stores though. And, as I feared, there is a store on every corner in the part of town in which I live.

    And Hwy 356 is Irving Blvd, which is the trashiest area of my beloved city.

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