Man Finds He Has No Weapon to Fight Police, Uses His Colostomy Bag – IOTW Report

Man Finds He Has No Weapon to Fight Police, Uses His Colostomy Bag

Red State

Newhart took out his colostomy bag from the inside of his front pants area and started to swing the bag…

…he started to swing the bag, hitting two of the officers with his feces.

Either way, Nicholas Newhart — who, per NZ Herald, sports “a neo-Nazi ‘1488‘ tattoo on his forehead” — was charged with disorderly conduct, public intoxication, and assault on two Metropolitan Nashville Police officers.


ht/ cynic

23 Comments on Man Finds He Has No Weapon to Fight Police, Uses His Colostomy Bag

  1. I’ve seen that happen. Had an EDP (emotionally disturbed person) in Rikers pull that stunt on us. The guy pulled out his bag a swung it around, Never saw 7 officers back step so quickly and in unison. Thankfully none of got hit, took about 20 minutes and a huge show of force to finally calm him down. Thankfully what could have been a literal and figurative shit show passed smoothly to just another day at the end of it all.

  2. …I once had a patient with a prosthetic leg that was involved in a fight with a neighbor that required police, and had sufficient damage to both combatants that we sent 2 squads to the party, including Yours Truly.

    Because the guy had detached his leg so he could use it to beat up his neighbor, the cops took it as a weapon for evidence.

    …wonder if they did the same thing in THIS case, but it might be just a skosh more difficult to do so…

  3. seaoh
    MAY 18, 2021 AT 5:21 AM

    …I wrote my piece, then saw yours.

    …so tell me, if you can…what DID you guys do to secure the, ah, “weapon”?

    …I’m genuinely curious how you prevent a repeat…

  4. I didn’t dare stop to read these comments…
    just scrolled to the end to say Frank Sinatra had a colostomy bag; it’s what gave him all that vibrato.



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