Man Gets Beaten With a Crowbar Because He Wore a Donald Trump Shirt – IOTW Report

Man Gets Beaten With a Crowbar Because He Wore a Donald Trump Shirt

I guess he was beaten by a Donald Trump supporter because no one but Donald Trump supporters are violent, right?

Before we get to this I just have to repost this passage by RedState jackass, the excrement, Leon Wolf-

As much as I think Trump is an unacceptable choice for President, and as much as I question the wisdom (and integrity) of a large portion of his supporters, I do not think they should be subject to physical violence for supporting Trump, or for attending a Trump rally. The end. That is not the way politics is done in a democracy. Even if people are marching in a literal KKK rally, they have the right to not be assaulted.



What a joke.

A 62-year-old man was beaten with a crowbar by a complete stranger who allegedly took issue with the man’s Donald Trump T-shirt, police said Tuesday.

The man was walking on West Passaic Avenue at about 5:41 p.m. last Wednesday when a man he did not know pulled up in an older gray compact car, Bloomfield police said.

The driver questioned the 62-year-old about the Donald Trump shirt he was wearing, and then followed him into the parking lot of the Friendly’s restaurant on Broad Street, police said.

“The motorist inquired why (the man) was wearing the shirt, directing profanities at him,” Bloomfield Police spokesman Ralph Marotti said. “The (victim) continued to walk away as (the) motorist followed him.”

The man then got out of his car with a crowbar, and during an altercation, struck the older man several times, authorities said.


24 Comments on Man Gets Beaten With a Crowbar Because He Wore a Donald Trump Shirt

  1. “That is not the way politics is done in a democracy.”

    Bullshit! Wanna bet? This is EXACTLY how politics is done in a “democracy”. Majority rules over the rights of the minority. The end result of ANY and ALL “democracies” is MOB RULE. This is why the Founding Fathers rejected the idea of implementing a democracy in the Colonies.

    Now, maybe Mr Wolf (fitting name for a ruler in a democracy) meant to say, “in a Constitutional Republic”, or even just “in a republic”. But him being a supposedly educated man, you’d think he would have said that. But he didn’t. So that means that either he’s uneducated (HERE! Here’s a copy of the Constitution! Read it!), or he WANTS to have a “democracy” in America.

    Which is it Mr Wolf?

  2. Exactly, B Woodman, and in a pure democracy, Leon Wolf would not be allowed the luxury of pimping a spoiler boutique candidate in order to thwart the will of the mob.

  3. I just got back from voting in a primary for MN state Rep for my district. I voted for Mary Shapiro (she is running against another Republican who is pro-abortion). With only two candidates for this seat and one other race (for MN court) the polling place was pretty empty so I could chat with the election judges.

    When I got up to get my ticket to vote I saw an ID scanner. I got excited and asked if we had to have an ID to vote (I hadn’t heard that we did, but was so shocked it just came out of my mouth). He signed and said, “No, it’s just for same day registration.”


  4. If you want to declare for Trump in hostile territory, behind enemy lines, go armed. Even if it’s only a heavy walking stick with a solid brass head. And always be aware. Situational awareness. Someone pulls up beside me and starts haranguing me, my radar goes on high alert! And the walking stick goes from hand at handle, to hand at mid-stick (all the better to swing at you, my dear).
    You hope it never has to happen, but better him, the attacker, laid low, then you.

  5. I had on My Trump Visor, while wearing my “Infidel” T-shirt all day, I got some looks, but being 6’2″ and weighing 280 makes a difference…these folks only attack the elderly or the weak.

  6. Figures that this happened in NJ, an anti 2nd Amendment state. Anyone comes at me for wearing clothing that supports Trump, will get shot multiple times. I live in a pro 2A state.

    I guess that’s why you never hear about shit like this happening out here.

  7. “I’m sure the attacker will be sitting within the first 3 rows of hillary’s next campaign stop, right?”

    If Hillary is Obama’s third term, he’ll be her National Security Spokesman.

  8. I never talk religion or politics. I don’t put stickers on my car or signs in my yard.
    You’re just asking for it.
    I also don’t wear lettered shirts or hats. Very few people know anything about me.
    But I do carry a gun and I have never said to anyone that I am armed.

  9. @Name [with]held by request – I also am an undeclaring concealed pistol carrier, but we differ about the car stuff. I alienate 99% of everybody because I still have a RON PAUL 2008 sticker on the back of mine! (-:

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