Man Gets Brutal Reply After Thanking Tinder Date For A Nice Time – IOTW Report

Man Gets Brutal Reply After Thanking Tinder Date For A Nice Time

KFI: When its successful, Tinder can be a place where people meet their future spouse, but more often than not, that doesn’t happen. Instead, there are stories of siblings matching with each other, or a woman matching with both a thief and his victim, or some crazy profiles. Now, there’s the sad tale of a British man named Harry. MORE

20 Comments on Man Gets Brutal Reply After Thanking Tinder Date For A Nice Time

  1. I do feel sorry for young guys today.

    When the wife hit 60 a few years ago, she quipped that I would soon dump her for “young p***y”.

    I immediately said, why would I dump the love of my life for something I can easily rent by the hour.

    “Wow, that does make a lot of sense.” was her reply.

  2. What a world full of pussies!

    At a high school reunion a couple years ago at a bar my old girlfriend threw a few table knives and forks at me in the middle of the joint.

    Besides, you said British right.

  3. Between dingbats, Anqueefers, shemales, democraps, Herpes Simplex 10, preverts, homos, scammers, & fake profiles… I’d just as soon join the French Foreign Legion if I were young and single these days! 😮 😮 😳

  4. I feel so sorry for you guys. I don’t understand these women today. Do they hate men so much or do they hate themselves?

    I quit dating in my 30s because of a couple of failed relationships. There are times I regret that choice. After reading stories like this, maybe I don’t regret it so much!

    Good luck out there; but be careful!

  5. Women despise nice guys, that is until they find themselves old, single and penniless. Then, it’s too late. Guys need to stop being nice guys and strive to be good men.

  6. I have three daughters, and over the years most of the males they have dated have been petulant mommies’ boys who want to play video games all night and hope to find a girlfriend to give them sex, be another mommy, and work to support them. Not seeing any maturity in the male spawn of boomer women.

  7. @The-Mamomma February 11, 2020 at 7:47 am

    > most of the males they have dated have been petulant mommies’ boys who want to play video games all night and hope to find a girlfriend to give them sex, be another mommy, and work to support them

    I hate to be (even remotely) serious, in this venue.

    But, seriously, do you want (actually, truly… want) any (actually, any… even a single one) of your daughters, to be “abducted” (according to the duly authorized, United Nations recognized, regime), by some man? And chained to a massive, concrete anchor, in the middle of his remote (so remote, as to not even have cellular coverage) “compound”? (Unless he has East German style robo-machine-guns, that will dismember anything, anywhere, near the perimeter.)

    Because any answer, other than a full-throated “Oh, hails! Yes!”, means living within the murderous reach of “governance” of, by, and for the (exclusive) benefit of whores. Oh, I’m sorry… “lesbians”. Oops… sorry, again… “feminists”. What? Alright… this, the current second, they’re “reclaiming” “whores”. (Whatever…)

    Maybe you dream of your daughters finding “handsome, rich… oh, so… rich… and, oh, so… retarded”… with a penis. But there’s only so many Hunter Bidens to go around. And, while hard working Arkansas strippers can get their crack at him, there’s still only so many hours minutes in the day.

    Playing Viet Cong roulette, according to Viet Cong rules, is not (always) a choice (hat tip to “The Deer Hunter”). And believing that The Rule of Law™, of, by, and for the benefit of “whores” (still “whores”? yes? ok)… will have an outcome of, by, and for the benefit of “whores”… is not only rational, but intelligent.

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