Man in Pelosi’s Office Discusses Jail Conditions for January 6 Detainees – IOTW Report

Man in Pelosi’s Office Discusses Jail Conditions for January 6 Detainees

American Greatness:

Unfortunately for dozens of political prisoners held hostage by their own government, freedom appears to be a long way off.

By Julie Kelly

In one of the most iconic images of January 6, a man is pictured with his feet up on a desk inside House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) office.

Richard Barnett, 60, traveled from his home in Arkansas to hear Donald Trump’s speech then made his way to the Capitol complex. He entered Pelosi’s office, where a few photojournalists just happened to be stationed; Barnett put his feet on the desk, posed for the cameras, and left Pelosi a note. (He is quite a character, I can safely say after a lengthy phone interview.)

Two hours later, the photos went viral. Pelosi’s daughter, Christine, posted the picture of Barnett at 3:21 p.m. that afternoon. “The Trump rioter did vandalize her office,” she tweeted. “The trash will be removed and the seditionists will be prosecuted.”

That incident started a legal and personal nightmare for Barnett, who spent nearly four months behind bars before a federal judge finally released him in April.

By the time Barnett arrived home on January 7, his family already had received death threats and the FBI was at his door. Barnett was arrested January 8; he was indicted January 29 on various trespassing and disorderly conduct charges, including possessing a “dangerous or deadly weapon,” a walking stick that can also be used as a stun gun. (It had no batteries.)

“I was transported to a prison in Oklahoma City for two weeks,” Barnett, who goes by the nickname “Bigo,” told me in a phone interview Tuesday afternoon. “I had never been to prison before, it was my first experience. I thought how awesome it was that even though you’re in prison, you’re treated with respect and everyone follows the rules.”

But Barnett’s inaugural experience in America’s prison system quickly soured after he was transported to the nation’s capital. Like dozens of people charged with offenses related to the Capitol building protest, Barnett was ordered to remain behind bars in a D.C. jail with no chance to make bail even though he has no criminal record and faces no violent charges. more

22 Comments on Man in Pelosi’s Office Discusses Jail Conditions for January 6 Detainees

  1. I gotta ask. Let’s take a poll of reader. You travel to DC. Guards are inviting you into the bowels of the cess pool. They’re inviting you in. Do you go. I’ll tell you right now I wouldn’t go in. TU for hell no, TD for yea I’m a dumb shit and would go in.

  2. I’ve been to the D.C. Jail a number of times. It’s a terrible place even for a guy who has work to do in there. The inmates are sullen, or evil, or sullen AND evil… and the COs were (in those times) sullen, or evil, or sullen AND evil.

  3. I see two problems with those detained for what happened Jan 6.

    In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, to be informed of the cause and nature of the accusation, to be confronted with his accusers, and the witnesses against him; to have a compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor; and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

    Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

  4. Pelosi should be the one sitting in a cell, along with the other scum of DC.

    Half the country has already lost it’s mind due to the Kung Fu Flu, they can’t be bothered with anything but their own Godless selfishness and what they can get from Big Daddy government.

  5. “Your posting to fast” Comment gone. Fucking really?
    I’ll try again.
    “TD Brad? We haven’t had that option for years”

    Dude, we just had it. What do think just happened? And we were set up by Piglousy and a lot of ignorant people fell for it. Come on.

  6. That protester who sat in Pelosi’s office should be thankful that an FBI sniper hasn’t blown his wife’s head off like happened to Vicky Weaver at Ruby Ridge.

  7. Brad –

    “…“Your posting to fast” Comment gone. Fucking really?
    I’ll try again.
    “TD Brad? We haven’t had that option for years”

    Dude, we just had it. What do think just happened? And we were set up by Piglousy and a lot of ignorant people fell for it. Come on….”

    Say what? I don’t understand a word of what you posted there. Are you talking to me? Because you referenced some other comment about posting too fast…

    Regardless, let me explain my comment. You wanted to take a poll: TU (thumbs up) if hell no you wouldn’t go in; or TD (thumbs down) if you’re a dumbshit and would go in.

    My comment was that we haven’t had the the TD option for years. I don’t know which version of iOTW you post on that just had the TD option, but it wasn’t this one. UNLESS, TD means something other than Thumbs Down.

  8. The Biden administration WANTS this story to get out to those of us on the right. They want us to know this is what will happen to US if WE get out of line. They aren’t even trying to hide what they are doing anymore because they know nobody is going to stop them.

  9. Brad –

    “…I WAS NOT REPLYING TO YOU SPECIFICALLY…” – yeah but you quoted my comment specifically.


    ????? What the hell you talkin’ about????

  10. The solitary confinement of the Jan 6th Capitol “rioters” is pure intimidation.
    They are sending a message to all the conservative patriots: this is what’s waiting for all who won’t submit to the coup.

    Personally I reckon Trump should have gone ballistic on these criminals, but he just folded like a cheap suit.

  11. If someone murders, they would be back on the streets in couple of hours in DC, New York, California and few other states until their trial. But a suspected protester in DC?
    They get locked up in a gulag like prison. Not in a 3rd world country. In the USA.

  12. They shoulda left their cell phones in their hotels and worn masks and hats and sunglasses when they went in.
    Did somebody take a great big dump on nancy pelosi’s desk?

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