Man killed in Canada raid made ‘martyrdom video,’ planned attack – IOTW Report

Man killed in Canada raid made ‘martyrdom video,’ planned attack

Reuters: The man killed during a Canadian police raid at his home in Ontario on Wednesday was a supporter of Islamic State who was in the final stages of preparing an attack on a Canadian city with a homemade bomb, police said on Thursday.

Police went to the home of Aaron Driver in the small town of Strathroy after receiving credible information, including a “martyrdom video,” from U.S. authorities that he planned what could have been a “dreadful” attack, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) said at a news conference.

Driver died after he detonated an explosive device in the backseat of a taxi as police closed in and opened fire, the RCMP said in Ottawa.  MORE

5 Comments on Man killed in Canada raid made ‘martyrdom video,’ planned attack

  1. This shit stain must have attended a mosque. How many mosques can there be in rural Ontario? Seems like that would be a good place to start the investigation.
    How long before the guys father is seen at a Hillary rally?

  2. He got his martyrdom wish.
    Remember Leftist shithead Trudeau pulled Canadian troops out of the mission to combat ISIS because he didn’t want to incite their retribution on Canada. These Leftists (and this include Obama and Clinton) still don’t realize radical unreformed Islam does not play by the rules of civilized society.

  3. but when we start defending ourselves against this scum of civilization, we will be branded racist islamaphobes by the cowards who let them in. the ones who let them in need to be taken out with the rest of the trash.

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