Man Not Even at the Capitol on J6 Gets 22 Years – IOTW Report

Man Not Even at the Capitol on J6 Gets 22 Years

The Week

Henry “Enrique” Tarrio, the former leader of the Proud Boys, was sentenced in federal court Tuesday to 22 years in prison for his role in planning the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. U.S. District Judge Timothy Kelly said Tarrio was “the ultimate leader” of the conspiracy to keep former President Donald Trump in office through violence fueled by “revolutionary zeal,” adding, “That conspiracy ended up with about 200 men amped up for battle encircling the Capitol.” More

13 Comments on Man Not Even at the Capitol on J6 Gets 22 Years

  1. What happened to my United States? Or is it me?

    BLM and Antifa destroy cities, loot businesses, attack federal agents and buildings, most charges are dropped.
    J6 defendants and families lives are destroyed by being severely sentenced for minor offenses.

    Hoards of youth looting businesses, mugging, beating innocent passers by. Random drive by shootings. With few arrests, when they are arrested they are released with no bail.

    Millions of Illegal immigrants have rights and benefits beyond mine.
    Weaponized federal agencies.
    I feel like an illegal alien in my own Country.

  2. Gateway has an article where Enrique says the Feds tried to get him to lie and testify against Trump. When he wouldn’t this is what he got.
    A lot like the IT guy from Mara Lago

  3. Nazi shit all over again.
    Some “judge” denied a guy’s bail and kept him in the can because of “something he said” as if the First Amendment no longer applies.

    Folks, we can’t vote our way out of totalitarianism.

    The Nazis and the Communists showed these maggots the way – and they’re pursuing it with a vengeance.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. While an ARSONIST who murdered a father of five kids gets to skate with a ten year sentence because he’s black and his victim was white because “white privilege”.
    A white man whose only crime was trespassing gets 22 years in prison, while a black man commits MURDER and gets ten years.
    Not to mention the Biden Crime Family, who will never face justice because of our corrupt political system.
    Will the American sheeple ever wake up? I doubt it.


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