Man of the Lower Middle Class – IOTW Report

Man of the Lower Middle Class

I picture of Sanders driving a $175,000 Audi R8 emerges.2B0uaWg

I doubt it runs on ethanol.

ht/ nm

19 Comments on Man of the Lower Middle Class

  1. It’d be hilarious if he left all of his rallies in that thing, everyone standing outside, cheering for him; and just hops into his sports car and leaves them chocking on his dust. (Ofc the looney kooks who worship his @ss would probably try and bottle some of the exhaust and add it to their shrines.)

  2. And the left-hand turn signal has been blinking for the last 100 miles.
    He only drives it at 35 m.p.h….. In the fast lane on the freeway.
    Actually I thought he would drive a Subaru, or a V.W. Bug.
    Or someone else’s car, which he “borrowed”.

  3. I’ve never owned a car in my life, so what do I know? However, I do have a sense of prudence when it comes to personal finances. Spending a year’s salary on a car does not strike me as a good move.

  4. David Burge
    This just in: fiery vanguard of the Proletariat trades in his Lada for a $175,000 Audi R8 #heyitsred…

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