Man of the people – Bernie Sanders chartered plane menu – IOTW Report

Man of the people – Bernie Sanders chartered plane menu

FAM: It’s gotta be good to pay just 13.5% of your income to taxes while whining about wanting a 90% on those evil rich people. It’s even more ironic how the so called ‘man of the people’ Bernie Sanders dines on his chartered flights. Check out the menu for his flight from Rome back to New York.  more

12 Comments on Man of the people – Bernie Sanders chartered plane menu

  1. Not shown: The miniature Giraffes running around on board.

    Just think if he was the ruler of all.

    He’d be all J. Cagney-like and and sneer – “I’m in charge, see! And you’ll do as I say or I’ll send the coppers after you, buster!”

  2. He hopes Barky leaves the walk-in freezer stocked with Kobe beef if he gets the WH…..hahaha. Like Moochie wont make a final pass through the whole place scarfing what she can…wonder if they will try to sack the joint and have to return most things, paying $75K for what they won’t return like the Clinton Cartel.

  3. This “reporter” follows politics and “social justice” issues for the NYT. I guess pinch figures with her he gets a twofer, that is to say one minority and a female for the affirmative action crowd.

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