Man paranoid after Capitol riots found dead month later in ceiling of his bathroom – IOTW Report

Man paranoid after Capitol riots found dead month later in ceiling of his bathroom

Trump derangement syndrome claims another.


Found: Christopher Woitel, 50, was found dead inside a three-foot-high crawl space above the bathroom at his San Francisco apartment building, more than a month after he was seen on security video going upstairs to his unit.

  • He communicated with his mother on January 9 and has not been heard from since; his bank account and credit cards have not been used 
  • Family described him as acting paranoid and anxious in the aftermath of the January 6 US Capitol riots  
  • Woitel had been allowing homeless people to stay the night, and one of them was the last person to visit his apartment before disappearance 
  • The homeless man told a private investigator that he has psychic powers and that Woitel had been shot in the head and dumped into the Bay
  • Woitel’s neighbor said the computer programmer had been trying to avoid a pair of ‘thugs from the underworld’  


ht/ marco

32 Comments on Man paranoid after Capitol riots found dead month later in ceiling of his bathroom

  1. I’m sure you’ve seen the bumper sticker that says “I learned everything I needed to know about Islam on 9/11”. Well, I learned everything I needed to know about the left in 2020. The are WORSE than the Islamic threat. They are destroying us from within, and the swamp within the RNC is enabling our demise.

    Fraudulent, arrogant, tone-deaf, corrupt, perverted, God-hating, amoral, lying scum.

    However. they have pulled way too hard on this giant rubber band. They have taken lives, destroyed cities, broken our immigration system and borders, and stolen many futures from the children of tomorrow.

    I believe that Trump is readying a comprehensive recoil and strike, the likes of which we have never seen. And by foisting upon us the most corrupt, inept, braindead EO-signing pedophile, they have sealed their fate.

    Keep the faith, and enjoy the next couple of years. Short term sucks, abd we’ll all feel it…but in the longer term outlook, the good guys win. Like a great western.

  2. …he died in a heated APARMENT BUILDING in warm SF around JANUARY 9th and NO ONE smelled it before NOW?

    …seriously, that would start to bloat, rupture, and drip in a couple of DAYS! Not to mention that the sphincters loosen pretty quick postmortem and dump the inside contents outside, and probably down the back of the homeless guy while he was stuffing him up into the celing.

    …I mean really, I relize that SF probably smells very strongly of shit and that many of its residents are coprophiliacs besides, but when someone swells and blows up after their own gut bacteria eats at them for a bit, you’d think THAT would override even the most odoriforus of piles of crap in a MULTI UNIT DWELLING WITH A COMMON VENTILATION SYSTEM, but you’d be wrong…

  3. “I learned everything I needed to know about the left in 2020”

    Don’t say I didn’t try and warn you for almost the entire preceding decade when I said that if you think you know just what the subhuman pieces of shit are capable of… YOU DO NOT. You cannot even begin to imagine things they are capable until you have lived in close proximity to them.

    For the majority of people they still just cannot get their mind around the fact that when they think they have identified the limit of the depravity followers of the progressive movement’s worldview can descend to, the bastards are just warming up.

    I really wasn’t kidding when I said: No, you don’t get it. You may think you do, but you just have to trust me on this, you have to be living in that house to understand that there isn’t a living soul who can sound the depths of that cesspool.

  4. ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS February 18, 2021 at 2:45 pm

    …he died in a heated APARMENT BUILDING in warm SF around JANUARY 9th and NO ONE smelled it before NOW?

    You’re talking about San Francisco, and the cadaver stinking is about what you would smell on the streets. He let the homeless into his apartment, so, it wouldn’t smell any different than the streets.

  5. The Gene Pool self-cleaning one idiot at a time (too slowly).
    The question now, is, did he leave any progeny behind to continue his defective DNA strain?


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