Man Receives First Penis Transplant In U.S – IOTW Report

Man Receives First Penis Transplant In U.S

The Times reports most of Manning’s penis was removed amid a battle with an aggressive and potentially fatal penile cancer.

first us penis transplant

BOSTON (CBS/AP) – A man from Halifax is the first person to receive a penis transplant in the United States, according to Massachusetts General Hospital.

Thomas Manning, 64, underwent the 15-hour transplant operation on May 8 and 9 at the hospital, the New York Times first reported Monday.

Manning’s penis was removed because of cancer, the paper said, adding that the replacement organ came from a deceased donor. more

42 Comments on Man Receives First Penis Transplant In U.S

  1. Wow, if they can do that now, I’m definitely never checking that I am an organ donor box on my DL.

    I can only assume the donor died first. It’s not like your kidneys yaknow.

  2. I’m surprised this hasn’t been done before at a hospital in Washington. I can’t help but point out that in Congress, the Democrats are mostly pricks and the Republicans are mostly dickless.

  3. He’s from Halifax…

    finish me poem…er, limerick…

    There once was a lad from Halifax…

    Who lost his unit because of an axe… go get it…

  4. There once was a lad from Halifax…

    Who lost his unit do to an axe…

    He was dickless awhile…

    but said with a smile…

    I’ll remember my member if you send a fax…

  5. I unchecked the organ donor thing a couple of years ago when they gave some confused chick without a dick that was desperate to have something to stick up her boyfriends poop shoot a cadaver dick. I couldn’t go à la carte on what goes where, so all became off limits.

    Liberals eff up everything.

  6. There was a young man out of Halifax
    That lost his best friend during Paddywhacks
    He, then with aplomb
    Had a new one sewed on
    But complained of the price and the added-tax

  7. Thinkaboudit> Fifty years from now they’ll be shopping for dicks on Fifth Avenue… Fogetaboutit! I just ordered one, fogetaboudit, it’ a fuckin’beauty. fogetaboutit. Just wait ’till you see. fogetaboutit!

  8. Yea and fucking Tommy will be trying to steal mine. LOL. I can hear it now, “Hey Brad, are you using that?” Whack. Don’t trust the Irish. They want your units.

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