Man removed from flight because of excessive tail wind – IOTW Report

Man removed from flight because of excessive tail wind


A pilot was forced to make an emergency landing after a fight broke-out when a passenger wouldn’t stop FARTING.

The Dubai to Amsterdam flight made an unscheduled stop in Vienna as the elderly overweight man reportedly refused to contain himself in the packed out cabin.

Chaos erupted on the flight when two Dutchman who were sitting next to the flatulent man told him to stop and complained to Transavia Airlines crew.

Yet despite repeated requests and even a direct order from the pilot the man carried on and a fight broke out.

The pilot of the Dutch low-cost airline then decided to make an emergency landing at Vienna International Airport in Austria.

Officers boarded the plane with police dogs and four suspects were escorted off the plane.


Now the guy can blame it on the dogs, like everyone else does.

(In one article I read that some “racism” was being suggested. A woman complained, “do they pick on all Morrocans?” )

ht/ fdr in hell

17 Comments on Man removed from flight because of excessive tail wind

  1. On my six hour (overnight) return flight from Hawaii I unfortunately sat next to a woman who had both horrific bad breath and a really nasty gas problem. I couldn’t sleep because she would either turn her head toward me and breath or would send off a “silent but deadly” fart. It was like clockwork….every half hour! Starting a commotion to cause an emergency landing like the above story would not have worked since we were over the Pacific ocean…

  2. The farter clearly suffers from NFD – narcissistic fart disorder. This is a condition in which a farter becomes convinced that his farts are sweet. He relishes them and does his utmost to share them with others. He believes he is doing the public a favor by letting his aroma waft in their general direction.

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