Man says he was fired for joking about marrying his dog on Facebook – IOTW Report

Man says he was fired for joking about marrying his dog on Facebook


A Florida man says he was fired for something he posted about his dog on Facebook. Ryan Uhler from Cape Coral says he was inspired by the recent Supreme Court decision on gay marriage.

“Gay marriage was passed in all 50 states and I thought it be funny to post a picture of me and the dog,” says Uhler. It was the caption, “How is marrying a dog different if you love them?

“Today, I hope we can focus on doggy style love. I love my dog rocco, and he loves me. Hopefully one day we can be married…”, that got him into trouble. Uhler says he was fired over it. He says his employers at Grace Advisory Group in Fort Myers didn’t find it funny and fired him. Uhler said: “What happened was, they took it out of context.”

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16 Comments on Man says he was fired for joking about marrying his dog on Facebook

  1. “What happened was, they took it out of context.”

    No, your salad tosser boss took it personally and is too chicken shit to come out of the closet and take responsibility.

  2. I don’t use Facebook. I’m not inclined to share my pictures, thoughts, and activities in that way. Whenever I see someone’s trouble due to Facebook, it serves to confirm my policy of not using it, ever.

  3. Oops, I came out after scotus’ decision thay I too would marry my female standard poodle. She needs my health insurance. Fortunately my boss is my husband and sleeping with him guarantees my job! But on a serious note, the employee is a man and rocco is male Id think all gays would be cool with that. No?

  4. Which is why I no longer use Facebook anymore. I like being normal, the way it used to be before Facebook. It’s turning into a virtual peanut gallery of artificial superficiality and trivial conversation about everything with everybody sharing a lot of stuff I don’t need to know or want to know about them. And besides if I really shared what I think I’d be in big trouble. So Facebook can KMA, good riddance! And if anybody wants to talk to me they can do it the old fashioned and more personable way by calling me on the phone or coming to visit. I’d do the same for my friends and family. So called Facebook friends are really not true friends because they won’t stick with you thru thick and thin. And I have seen enough cat videos and cat Saturday pictures to last a lifetime.

  5. Next thing that they’ll be telling us is that Timmy and Lassie were gay. Lassie was a boy dog pretending he was a female dog so I guess that makes him a tranny, who knew. I want to puke all over all those out there who have turned us into Bizaaro World. All my childhood illusions have been shattered.

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  1. Liberty News » Florida Man Says He was Fired for Mocking SCOTUS Decision on Facebook by Posting About Hopes to Marry His Dog

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