Man Sets Himself On Fire In Protest Of Donald Trump [VIDEO] – IOTW Report

Man Sets Himself On Fire In Protest Of Donald Trump [VIDEO]


A California man was taken to the hospital after he set himself on fire in protest of Donald Trump outside of Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday.

“I was trying to light myself on fire…it was an act of protest,” the man told NBC DC reporter Shomari Stone.


Asked what he was protesting, the man said he was “protesting the fact that we’ve elected somebody who is completely incapable of respecting the Constitution of the United States.”

The man appears to not have suffered serious injuries from the fire. NBC News cameras showed what appeared to be a pile of clothes ablaze in the middle of the street.

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27 Comments on Man Sets Himself On Fire In Protest Of Donald Trump [VIDEO]

  1. What part of the Constitution does this sick, twisted libtard think Trump won’t respect? Looks like more of the Left accusing the Right of what they themselves are doing. This has to go.

  2. This is the Leftard version of
    “Here, hold my beer, and watch this!”

    Looks like he lit up only the back of the heavy winter coat he was wearing. Then dropped and rolled immediately.

    Let’s hope the rest of the Leftard DC obstructions are just as lame.

  3. During the vietnam war, Buddhist monks set themselves on fire, and were consumed within seconds. This shithead set himself on fire, people called the police and fire (response time at least 5 minutes) and he only had “minor injuries”? This is either fake news or this guy wasn’t really serious.

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