Man Takes Dog to Vet for ‘Gender Transition’; Highlights Insanity of Child Sex Reassignment – IOTW Report

Man Takes Dog to Vet for ‘Gender Transition’; Highlights Insanity of Child Sex Reassignment

GP – In an amusing, and at the same time troubling, viral video, a man brings his dog into a veterinary clinic for “gender transition.”

He shares that the dog, festooned in a pink tutu, is male but wants to put the tutu on every time he sees it. He must identify as a female then, right?

“We want to do a gender transition to make him female….but we don’t want to neuter him,” the owner says.

When the staff balks, he asks, “You guys don’t offer sex changes here?”

“No we do not,’ the staff replies. “Go somewhere with a specialist…..we are not a behavioral clinic. We are a general clinic.”

The owner responds, “I wouldn’t call that behavioral. You’re saying gender identity is behaviouralism?”

The staff asks the man to leave and as he departs he says, “I’m reporting this to the LGBTQ+ minus 2 Association of America.” MORE

18 Comments on Man Takes Dog to Vet for ‘Gender Transition’; Highlights Insanity of Child Sex Reassignment

  1. “Behavioralism” my ass.

    Straight up psychotic – unless suffering a serious, debilitating, life-changing, self-mutilating psychosis is some sort of behavior.

    More Satanic than psychiatric, though.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I’m wondering when all the lawsuits begin. Seems to me it would be a cash cow for trannies like Jazz. But here is his mother talking about her kids hole and what they have to do everyday to keep him happy, but they can’t. I have yet to witness one single nut case be cured of their mental illness. They get wackier. As for the guy taking his dog in for a sex change, maybe a bull would have been a better candidate. I’d hate to be the Mom to have to dilate my kids hole everyday – but then again, it wouldn’t be my kid ever. Mom is more whacked than he is. She should be in prison. All of them.

    Mother FORCE DILATES “HOLE” Of Trans Daughter Jazz Jennings

  3. We just had our 10-month-old male border collie Kirby neutered about 3 weeks ago. Does that now make him an it since they cut his balls off? How in the hell do you make a dog transition into something else by cutting out its reproductive organs. These sickos are insane to think that a dog can be reassigned their gender just because their cruel, evil queer dog parent thinks it’s a good idea.

  4. I have a bad feeling that we are too far down the trail.
    Same people will understand that the guy was pointing out how absurd this whole trans, especially what happens to children, really is.
    Unfortunately, I think this will fall on the deaf ears of those who have been turned over to a depraved mind.

  5. Over in Barnhardtville….
    They associate all the transvestite crap….
    with “Satanism”….as Satan was the first trannie.


  6. what I want to know: has the crazy always been among us, and is it coming out now because we liberated it?

    was the crazy always here, but it was suppressed by society? is this an increase in insanity, or latent insanity allowed free reign?

  7. I’m convinced that parents and children who allow this to happen to them have already denied who and what God is. Their God is the world and self-gratification.

    Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, that their bodies might be dishonored among them. (Romans 1:24)

    Can they be saved? Can anyone convince them otherwise?

  8. @explainist: Obama said when elected that he would fundamentally change America. He unleashed the faggotry full bore with his blessings. He’s not a Christian, he’s a Demoncrat, Godless. What better way to bring down America like Sodom and Gomorrah, embrace faggotry. One thing I can say for Obama though, I don’t recall him holding a party for them at his mansion and boasting how hard he’s going to work for them. Don’t fall into the trap of accepting any of it or supoporting anyone who is all in for it.

  9. Good job guys, executing a number 4 & 5

    4. “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”
    5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”

    Reminds me of:

    Taggart : We’ll work up a Number 6 on ’em. Hedley Lamarr : [frowns] “Number 6”? I’m afraid I’m not familiar with that one. Taggart : Well, that’s where we go a-ridin’ into town, a-whompin’ and a-whumpin’ every livin’ thing that moves within an inch of its life.

    Ridicule is a potent weapon.

  10. What about a huge male Great Dane named Humper who wants to have sex with every leg he sees, whether it’s the leg of a man, woman, boy, or girl. Is Humper really a male dog or is Humper a female dog?

  11. OMG, Goldenfoxx, that video is horrendous. I knew intellectually what the surgery entailed, but listening to these damaged people discuss “her” issues as if it was perfectly normal behavior is nauseating. Jazz still obviously has mental issues and probably always will. His parents should be jailed. Just awful.


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