Man Threatened To Kill Everyone in the IHOP Over Bacon – IOTW Report

Man Threatened To Kill Everyone in the IHOP Over Bacon

The right jury may let him go.


16 Comments on Man Threatened To Kill Everyone in the IHOP Over Bacon

  1. More proof that the smartest ones avoided being captured and shipped over here back when slavers were sailing from Africa on the Middle Passage to bring Obama’s future supporters to the New World.

  2. His screeching fat assed wife should have left in handcuffs, too, for interfering with the police the way she did. His family films the incident and think the cops are in the wrong. What is wrong with these people?

  3. Intelligent African-American: Ma’am, I don’t wish to bother you, but I do believe you forgot the bacon.
    White trash waitress: AIEE!! This colored wants to kill everyone here!


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