Man to woman Transgender weightlifter breaks record in women’s competition – IOTW Report

Man to woman Transgender weightlifter breaks record in women’s competition

WaTimes: A transgender weightlifter who formerly participated in the men’s division dominated an international competition in her debut on the women’s circuit.

Laurel Hubbard of New Zealand took gold in the women’s over 90kg division at the Australian International and set four national records in the process, reported the New Zealand Herald.

With combined lifts of 268 kg, the 39-year-old transgender athlete bested the nearest competitor by 19 kg. The lifts set national records in the snatch and clean jerk.

Before transitioning, Ms. Hubbard competed in weightlifting as a man.

She has since surpassed Rio de Janeiro Olympian Tracey Lambrechs as the top Kiwi weightlifter.

“Lambrechs, who won bronze at the Glasgow Commonwealth Games in 2014, admitted she was initially upset by being knocked off the top rung in the rankings by Hubbard, but she is trying to take a positive approach to her competitive future,” the Herald reported.

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22 Comments on Man to woman Transgender weightlifter breaks record in women’s competition

  1. Why is he being allowed to compete against real women? This dude has the musculature and bone mass of a guy.

    The easy solution is to do away with the men’s and women’s categories and just have “weightlifting,” where a woman would never, ever, win a trophy again–unless it was a participation trophy.

  2. How long before real biological women throw over fidelity to political correctness and transgenderism and start standing up for other real girls and women? If they don’t it will be the end of women’s sports.

  3. @Racer X March 22, 2017 at 9:00 am

    > The easy solution is to do away with the men’s and women’s categories


  4. The only way this is going to be stopped is if the rules are changed to preclude an gender crossover from competing or every time someone like this enters a competition it’s boycotted by all the other competitors. Sooner or later someone has to stand up to the gay bullies and their progressive allies.

  5. I’m at the point where I applaud this politically correct gender trolling. More guys need to enter women’s events and walk away the all the blue ribbons. Anything a feminist woman can do, a man on estrogen can do better.


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