Man Tries to Protect Mother From Man Following Her Into Women’s room – IOTW Report

Man Tries to Protect Mother From Man Following Her Into Women’s room

Turns out it was a woman, a woman that looks like a boy.Screen Shot 2016-05-03 at 12.57.58 AMThe woman whipped out her iPhone and recorded the confrontation. The man apologized but said, “hey, you look like a … boy.”Screen Shot 2016-05-03 at 1.04.15 AM

At the end the woman says, “and this is the sh!t we have to go through.”

The “we” refers to what? Mannish looking women? Tough shit. If you look like a man and you’re going into the women’s room, protective people are going to have a problem with you.

That’s life. Deal with it.

The answer isn’t to let your guard down and give men going into the women’s room the “benefit of the doubt.” It doesn’t work that way.

12 Comments on Man Tries to Protect Mother From Man Following Her Into Women’s room

  1. “She” makes the conscious effort to look like a man (or at least ,male) and gets offended that someone mistakes “her” for a man.

    I’ll take “Leftists who need psychiatric help – aside from all of them” for $1,000, Alex.

  2. I’ve had a double mastectomy and have to wear silicone breast forms with a special bra so my clothes fit properly. Sometimes when I’m in jeans and a t-shirt I just can’t be bothered, and I skip the bra/forms.

    After too many “Sirs,” I wised up and had my ears pierced. I wear only “girly” syle earrings so peopke KNOW.

    This bitch needs to do likewise. It’s a small price to pay to eridicate confusion.

  3. wait, wait, seriously. Unless there was an equipment inspection, all we know is that this person CLAIMED to be a woman.

    Isn’t that the whole point?

  4. She claims she wouldn’t choose to be like that on purpose.

    I’m with Czar.

    She chooses to project a male-ish look. You weren’t born with boy’s clothes on, sweetie.

    Quit playing stupid about it.

    These confrontations are what you live for and I dislike you for that alone.

  5. This happened because Obama’s Leftist army caused there to be uncertainty as to who is going into the ladies room. It’s their fault people are now hyper-protective of their loved ones using the restroom.

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