Man Wearing A “Justice For Breonna Taylor” T-Shirt Walks Into A Louisville Bar With A Gun – IOTW Report

Man Wearing A “Justice For Breonna Taylor” T-Shirt Walks Into A Louisville Bar With A Gun

Two of the victims were white and one was black.

Gateway Pundit

A black male walked into a Louisville bar owned by a retired police officer and shot three random people at point blank range on Friday night — while wearing a Justice for Breonna Taylor shirt.

The suspect was smiling from ear to ear as he was arrested for the shooting at Bungalow Joe’s Bar and Grill. More

11 Comments on Man Wearing A “Justice For Breonna Taylor” T-Shirt Walks Into A Louisville Bar With A Gun

  1. …but it’s not possible, because it’s ILLEGAL to have guns in bars.

    …for LAW-ABIDING people, anyway…

    …Carry. law or no law, carry.

    Carry like your life DEPENDS on it.

    Because it very well MIGHT…

  2. No one on the Left seems to have any respect whatsoever for due process of law that guarantees justice. They all seem to think they can be the judge, jury, and executioner.

    There was no justice served here. There is no justice served by rioting and looting in the name of justice. The Left does not stand for justice, they stand for being the judge, jury and executioner with no due process of law.

    They claim to be the proponents of justice, but in practice they are against justice – with prejudice.

  3. It’s hard to defend yourself when in a peaceful public place and someone just walks up, pulls a gun and starts shooting without warning or hesitation.

    The only real defense it to not be there in the first place. Something that is not always possible in normal life.

  4. Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH B Woodman September 21, 2020 at 2:26 pm

    The bar patrons (if any others were there) should have broken both his legs in multiple places before the po-po arrived to arrest him.

    I think the patrons should have killed the turd on the spot. Justice right now. Sick of these thugs.

  5. You will notice how this does NOT define the blm movement, but if a guy with a maga hat on did the same thing it WOULD define the whole movement.

    The left’s number one goal in life is to concoct horseshit narratives and force them on the public.
    That’s why homosexuals dominate the media. Because that’s what they do best.

  6. Anonymous September 21, 2020 at 2:28 pm

    You’re exactly right. And there’s a little bit to being effective with a concealed weapon. If someone plans on carrying one, permit or not, I would highly suggest getting some training. And then focus on developing Situational Awareness. You are at a huge disadvantage.

  7. Goldenfoxx,
    I was thinking of extreme pain & suffering (on the shooter), but you’re most likely right.
    How about, break both legs in multiple places, THEN kill him, THEN call the po–po? Would that work for ya?

  8. It’s all well and good to be carrying and to get time at the range to get training. Also to be aware of your 6 if you’re out. I understand all of that.

    What I don’t understand is recognizing the dangers of not taking taken the above steps, why not recognize the easiest danger of all to avoid? That is don’t be where black people are any more than a very infrequent sighting. And when one does enter an establishment, he’ll get many sets of eyeballs on him.

    There are several nice brew pubs in a small town across the border in s MO from where I live. On gym days when I hit it late in the afternoon, I like to stop in for a glass or two and a bite. I have never seen a black person in either place. In fact I spent 3 hours there today working out and running errands and didn’t see any at all anywhere.

    You can give me the “muh friends” crap all day long but it’s not white people walking into bars and killing 3 innocent men or throwing 5 year olds off balconies or killing father & daughter after a minor fender bender or…

    All the situational awareness, range time and training won’t do you a bit of good the one time you’re holding your dick taking a piss or have your back to the room on the phone or…

    To paraphrase the sadly departed Uncle Remus’s #1 Survival Rule, avoid them.

    Your choice, your life

  9. IF any of you decide to go into an eating establishment NEVER EVER sit near the front door, always ask to be seated in the rear (in case you have to run out a back exit) and NEVER sit with ‘your back’ to the front door WHEREVER you are seated.

    And yes, this includes when you get back to your church…

    Might suck to hear this but you need to have something/someone in between you and a potential killer, iow a barrier of some type.

    RIP to those victims and prayers for the DEVASTED families that will have to watch this prick put on trial.


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