Man Who Ratted to the Feds and Tried to Destroy President Trump’s Social Media Company Now Works at Starbucks – IOTW Report

Man Who Ratted to the Feds and Tried to Destroy President Trump’s Social Media Company Now Works at Starbucks

GP: A so-called whistleblower is paying the price for trying to sic the Biden regime on President Trump’s social media company, Truth Social.

38-year-old Will Wilkerson was once a high-ranking executive for the Trump Media and Technology Group. He made a fortune overseeing Truth Social’s explosive growth.

Now, he is now working at a North Carolina Starbucks because he chose to hand over roughly 150,000 private documents, emails, and contracts to Biden’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and federal and state investigators. Trump fired Wilkerson once he found out he was scheming with the Regime.

Wilkerson could have been a millionaire had he stuck with Truth Social. Now he is making $16 an hour.

On top of his financial misfortune, Wilkerson is also being sued for defamation by Truth Social’s chief executive, former California congressman Devin Nunes. more

15 Comments on Man Who Ratted to the Feds and Tried to Destroy President Trump’s Social Media Company Now Works at Starbucks

  1. Yes, Loser David please enlighten us to any bad press concerning Devin Nunes, dates, news source, anything at all, share away so we can all be as wise as you.

  2. @Goldenfoxx –
    I know you despise Trump, but you conveniently discount the fact that he was an outsider coming into a hostile environment on BOTH sides of the aisle who wanted him taken down. He had to rely upon establishment consultants and insiders to help him make his cabinet and department picks. At least give him a second chance to learn from his mistakes.

  3. “…Their French Drips cost waaay too much…”

    What the hell is a french drip? Is that what falls off your roast beef sandwich after dipping it in the au jus?

  4. 38?

    He looks 48 & VERY Soft in the middle.
    Very “Soyish” and Weak.

    People have to get back to the farm, wilderness, & construction.

    PS. – It keeps the cocks out of your asses.

  5. Coming soon, an expose’ on corporate decisions regarding caffeine enhancement and break room conditions in Atlantic states Starbucks. Why is the coffee so uniformly over roasted?

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