Man windsurfed to try and flee socialist Cuba – IOTW Report

Man windsurfed to try and flee socialist Cuba

He said he was ready to inhale the salt water with a smile on his face because he’d still be free of socialism.

ht/ hot salsa

23 Comments on Man windsurfed to try and flee socialist Cuba

  1. Try “and” flee?

    What do you do when you “try”? Just sit there and grit your teeth?

    Maybe he tried to flee?

    That syntax of, “…try and…” is a huge bag of reeking shit.

  2. Wow. I guess people do still go wind surfing after all.
    3 months ago I gave my old winder surfer ( purchased in 1978) to a friend for his children to play with or try to use as a SUP. Telling them I thought wind surfing had been replaced by kite surfing and they might find it difficult to find online instruction on how to windsurf.

    Great tee shirt too.

  3. He isn’t trying to live free. He’d be born in the US if he was trying to live free.

    “Try and be gettin yo syntaxes rightly, YO! We’s be talkin Angrigh and shits, honkmeat!”

    No senses of humours, yo! Nones!

  4. Me: :sits on couch enjoying hamburger:

    Anonymous: :burst through apartment door, shoves gun in my face, eats my burger and demands that I “SAY “TRY AND….” ONE MORE TIME MUTHA FUKAH!!!”

  5. “Don’t never say that again, you be hearing me?”

    It’s like, like, you know how dudes be saying “like” all the time? Like, you know, how peeps say like, and shit, every sentence, and shit. It don’t be makin no sense, and shit, like, you know, shit whacked, like, and shit. Look! Wow! And shit, like, fuck! You see what I’m sayin? Is you hearing me and shit, like, you know, and shit?

  6. Me: hiding in underground shelter on alien planet with small stuffed animal.


  7. Today Patrick Henry ended his speech with these words, ” Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty – or give me death!”

    Oh, wait! Our anonymous reporter has this eyewitness report of the scene.

    ” This Patrick dude was very annoying. His voice was irritating, the rhythm & cadence of his words was terrible, his body moved in awkward ways during his silly theatrics, holding his wrist together as if chained together. Then pretending to plunge a dagger into his heart just before breaking free of the chains binding his wrist. His hair cut was awful, his stockings didn’t match his pants, and his shoes were scuffed and unshined. I really don’t think he said anything of value that anyone would want to remember them. Nothing the slightest bit inspiring.”

    “What was the question again?” “Oh, is it possible I missed the point of what Patrick said due to focusing on the wrong things? No, not at all.”


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