Manafort, Gates: 12 Counts, No Collusion – IOTW Report

Manafort, Gates: 12 Counts, No Collusion

Here’s The Indictment Against Paul Manafort And His Associate, Rick Gates.

Daily Caller: Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his business associate, Rick Gates, have been indicted in a federal court on 12 counts, including conspiracy to launder money, conspiracy against the United States, and making false and misleading statements.

Manafort turned himself in to the FBI field office in Washington on Monday morning.

There are no allegations of collusion with Russian operatives in the indictment, which was issued by a Washington grand jury on Friday and unsealed after Manafort’s arrest.

Manafort, 68, joined the Trump campaign last March as an adviser for the Republican convention. In May, the longtime Republican consultant was promoted to campaign chairman. He resigned in August after reports about his consulting work in Ukraine began to emerge in the press.

The charges center on Manafort’s and Gates’ involvement in an alleged money laundering operation utilizing offshore companies. Manafort and Gates, who were partners at the lobbying firm Davis Manafort, are also accused of hiding income from consulting work they did in Ukraine for a political party affiliated with Viktor Yanukovych, Ukraine’s former president.

The indictment, which is signed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, says that between 2006 and 2014, Manafort and Gates failed to disclose lobbying and public relations work they conducted at the direction of Yanukovych and his political party, the Party of Regions.

The indictment alleges that Manafort and Gates were in direct contact with Yanukovych as part of the consulting contract.

Manafort and Gates are also accused of laundering tens of millions of dollars from offshore shell companies. Manafort laundered $18 million from overseas companies by wiring funds to businesses in the U.S., including a men’s clothing store in New York, an antique rug store in Virginia, and a home improvement company in the Hamptons.

For the full indictment —>  read more

23 Comments on Manafort, Gates: 12 Counts, No Collusion

  1. Well, it seems that Mueller exceeded both his mandate and timeframe. Try as he might he and his other Democrat team members couldn’t find anything associated with their Trump/Russian collusion. All they could find was accusations of wrongding that took place during Obama’s administration. Now they need to be fired along with Sessions as well for not stepping in. The rest is up to a Jury. Trump now needs to release Pence to comment on this mess and how much it cost all based on a dossier paid from by Trumps enemies including Hillary Clinton who broke campaign finance law by paying for what she knew was a pack of lies.

  2. Totally outside his mandate.
    Tax evasion? That’s the IRS’ concern. If they can even be bothered.
    None of this involves the 2016 election.

    This is all about diverting POTUS energies and time, smearing PDT, and keeping The Resistance alive with false hopes that somehow soon Mueller will reverse the election and make Bad Scary Man Trump go away.

  3. Like I said, this was going to be Scooter Libby 2.0. CNN and MSNBC will conduct their 24/7 panels this week with all types of self professed know-it-alls, will do their best to connect the dots and cram the square peg into the triangle hole in order to convict Trump.

    Patrick Fitzgerald needed to convict somebody to save face, so Scooter got sandbagged. Manafort probably dug his own hole, but Mueller doing the same thing. To save face (and take heat off Hillary, DNC, Obama etc)

  4. Where is Russia in any of those allegations? He did work for Ukraine.

    Conspiracy to commit money laundering? Anybody who sets up a shell company in a tax haven could get that charge.

    This is personal and overcharging. None of this warranted predawn SWAT team raid.

    Just like this could have been put out last Friday. They didn’t want this nothingburger getting lost in the weekend news cycle.

  5. Big dud. The George Papadopoulos Guilty plea is leading in the news, even though he pleaded guilty weeks ago. Manafort is fading to second. Although the mediots are breathlessly asking, “Could these indictments open the flood gates??”

  6. Hey Cliche’ – the Ukrainian dude was Russia’s lickspittle that they’d got into power via fraudulent elections. That’s why the Ukrainians had a revolution a few years back – to get rid of Russia’s bitch – and within a couple months, Russia invaded Crimea and stole it back from Ukraine.

  7. Cliche G, I just heard a news reader say, “Perhaps the bigger story of the day is the guilty plea of George Papadopoulos…”

    He pleaded guilty weeks ago. The Manafort story is now officially a nothingburger, replaced by a nothingshake.

  8. Left leaning POLITICO reporting now that Tony Podesta is also in Mueller’s crosshairs and is stepping down from Podesta Group.
    Seismic, if true.

    No word yet whether any 14 year old boy actors are involved.

  9. Mansfield,

    Without a doubt. Yanukovych is a Russian stooge who was installed in Ukraine.

    But The Narrative is Russia colluding to disrupt US elections.

    Manafort was getting paid to help disrupt Ukraine’s elections.

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