Ginsburg Vows To Stay On SCOTUS As Long As She Can – IOTW Report

Ginsburg Vows To Stay On SCOTUS As Long As She Can

DC: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said Friday that she has no plans to retire any time soon.

“My answer is as long as I can do the job full steam, I will do it,” Ginsburg, 84, told a friendly audience at an Equal Justice Works conference in Arlington, Va.

“I used to have an answer, it worked for a lot of years,” she added. “It was Justice Brandeis — when he was appointed he was the same age as I was, 60. And he stayed for 23 years, so I expect to stay at least as long. Well, now I’ve passed Brandeis, I’ve passed Frankfurter.”

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28 Comments on Ginsburg Vows To Stay On SCOTUS As Long As She Can

  1. She was an Affirmative Action appointment and they should just let her be.
    Don’t wake her for any important shit, just for donuts.
    When she dies, I’m sure there’s another fucking illiterate, anti-American stooge waiting in the wings to keep her chair warm. No hurry. One bullshit lawyer’s as good (bad) as another.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “Feet First” Ruthie.

    No surprise. And she’s shamelessly oblivious to questions of ageing on mental function and judgement.

    As a Lefty, it’s all about her.

    But there’s a clock ticking. A shattered hip, a stroke, an aneurysm will wipe that smug smirk off her face for good.

    They can bury her in her stupid lace collar.

  3. Remember, grrrls, every time Supreme Court Justices sign a document with The Notorious RBG’s mark on it as well, they’re saying “We’re all equal. Yes we are!” There’s no reason that should ever be forgot.

  4. They should push her hard, every day writing their decisions, participating in the discussions, asking questions during court. Make sure she is an equal member of the court at all times. That ought to do it.

  5. It sounds terrible and it is but … wouldn’t it be great if she keeled over during the State of the Union address.
    I wonder if the newspapers would run great pics of Dems crying like election night.

  6. The Grim Reaper has her on Speed Dial.

    PDT will get to appoint at least 2 more SCOTUS justices. RBG will be his next vacancy, I’m thinking.

    Agreed, no appointment should be “for life”.
    And it’s high time for mandatory PUBLIC medical screenings for ALL public officials.
    All diagnoses and prescription Meds should be published on a regular basis.
    Leftists will be hardest hit.

  7. Tony R, I shudder to think how much of RBG’s work is being done by her unsupervised clerks.

    I understand she’s stopped attending friend’s funerals. She got tired of the funeral director coming up to her and saying “Not hardly worth the trip home, is it?”

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