Manafort Jury Delivers Guilty Verdict on 8 Out of 18 Counts – Mistrial on 10 Counts – IOTW Report

Manafort Jury Delivers Guilty Verdict on 8 Out of 18 Counts – Mistrial on 10 Counts


According to breaking news in the Manafort Trial, after four days of deliberations the jury has informed Judge Ellis they can only reach a verdict on eight out of eighteen counts.

The jury cannot come to a consensus on 10 counts.

A guilty verdict on five counts of fraudulent tax filings. One count for each tax filing year: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014.

Three guilty verdicts on bank fraud charges: ¹False information on a $3.4 million dollar loan application in March 2016 from Citizens Bank, Rhode Island. ²False information on a $5.5 million loan application for a building in Brooklyn. ³Hiding foreign bank accounts.

Judge Ellis declared a mistrial on the remaining 10 charges.  more here

22 Comments on Manafort Jury Delivers Guilty Verdict on 8 Out of 18 Counts – Mistrial on 10 Counts

  1. Manafort fucked up. But to try to link him to Trump with phony news reports and FBI leaks was so lame. I hope they didn’t give the douche who turned on him full immunity because he was embezzling from other rich guys, too and getting fraudulent loans.

  2. None of it has a thing to do with President Trump and the campaign. It’s a ploy to get associates to flip. More useful? A way to cast Trump as being associated with scumbags.

    The news goes something like…
    Blah blah blah Trump campaign manager blah blah convicted.

    Doesn’t matter if there was a direct link to the campaign

    Trump has a rally tonight at 7 eastern.
    He’ll be loaded for bear. Can’t wait. Yesterday saw the gloves come off. Tonight?

  3. Uh, sounds like yet another Nothingburger in the communists’ maniacal quest to find dirt on Trump that they have been at for >2 years and keep coming up empty.

  4. I’m sure the left is all excited, but it really means nothing.
    The real story is hillary’s money and the Russian oligarch scandal that Mueller’s trying to avoid. The story is unfolding daily, but the LSM can’t look at the blood in the water.

  5. Wait. I thought he was guilty of buying an ostrich coat. Did they drop that charge?

    Why was Manafort found guilty?
    Because the evil deep state swamp wants to dissuade decent people from helping a Donald Trump win high office. So with a few maneuvers while Mr. McGoo Jeff Sessions was picking his nose, they set up a complete deep state apparatus with subpoena power to do anal probes of everyone helping Trump. They found a few guilty souls, and will throw them into dungeons for excessive sentences, while they torturously prosecute the innocents with long drawn out depositions and prosecutorial traps.

    In the end, it gets harder and harder for the next scourge of the deep state to garner much assistance from capable experts.

  6. All of this stuff is coming to a head way too soon. What are the democrats going to form their conspiracy theories and hopes and prays for a turn coat against the president on for the next 2 months?

    They are going to ratchet up impeachment stuff now until November based on nothing but dreams and wishes.

  7. If Mueller’s investigation was real Hillary and friends would be in trouble. Its political and based on a political witch hunt. The DOJ and the FBI committed far more serious crimes in their hunt for Trumps hide, but since they get to pick and choose who will be prosecuted and who won’t they will be skating away from justice as America looses our famous, long standard for justice for all.

  8. So the newsies have a hit a Grand Slam today. It matters not what they have/have not to do with Trump. Even Charles Payne is “concerned” with the Cohen plea.

    Gettin’ close to midterms, and with early voting the dems still have tricks to turn. Question is, what will be Trumps October surprise?
    I smell “declassification” in the air.

  9. This whole debacle is only staged to make leftists believe the shit they’re spoon fed.

    If the dudes are guilty, they’re guilty. So, let’s now talk about Queen Hellery and her guilt.

  10. I would think there are going to be appeals after sentencing. I don’t know about the tax charges, but he may have paid taxes in the countries (Greece, possibly others) where the monies were kept, though I don’t know what that would do for him. The fraudulent loan applications carry the stiffer sentences. The signers, or those individuals who ‘approved’ the loans, did not testify in the trial- subordinates did. I would think they should have testified and validated their approval.
    But, in the end, he is guilty, but not of anything associated with President Trump. Nor was russia collusion even mentioned.


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