Manafort Sentenced to 7 1/2 years – much to the dismay of the left who wanted him to assuredly die in prison – IOTW Report

Manafort Sentenced to 7 1/2 years – much to the dismay of the left who wanted him to assuredly die in prison

(CNN)Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was ordered Wednesday to serve an additional 43 months on federal conspiracy charges, bringing his total sentence between two federal courts to 7.5 years in twin cases stemming from special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation


Paul Manafort was sentenced to 73 months in his Washington, D.C., unregistered foreign lobbying and witness tampering case on Wednesday.

Judge Amy Berman Jackson sentenced him to 60 months on the first count, running concurrently to 30 months of the 47-month sentence imposed in his Virginia case last week.

She also sentenced him to 13 months on the witness tampering count to be served consecutively with the count one sentence and his Virginia sentence.

That would mean an additional 43 months overall, bringing the total time he faces behind bars, including the nine months that he has already served in Virginia, to 81 months.

Put another way, the combined sentences of 90 months amount to seven-and-a-half years.

The judge also ordered Manafort to pay one-time restitution of $6.16 million to the Internal Revenue Service, the same amount he was sentenced to pay in the Virginia case.

10 Comments on Manafort Sentenced to 7 1/2 years – much to the dismay of the left who wanted him to assuredly die in prison

  1. Sounds to me like the judges, no matter who appointed them, are sick to death of Mueller and his merry band of assholes. If the judges weren’t afraid of Clinton/Obama/Deep State retaliation, they’d have probably sentenced Manafort to time served.

  2. Nothing Manafort did warrants a death sentence. Solitary has left this man broken physically, financially and mentally. The progs, of course, want him to die in prison. I don’t want to hear about “justice” when we have saboteurs running around free who attempted to depose our duly elected president. Trump absolutely should pardon Paul Manafort.

  3. Manafort is probably one of the most dangerous criminals in America.

    Maybe in the world.

    NY has now charged him with 16 more felonies.

    Maybe with more to come as things unfold.

    Thank goodness the Leftists are protecting us from him.

  4. I think the NY AG is particularly shitty for charging him today with another 16 counts. The charges he is going away for right now were dismissed years ago before he worked on the Trump campaign for a few months.

  5. I was just listening to WMAL (DC) afternoon guy, Larry O,Connor was reporting on the hate filled rabid leftists protesting outside the courthouse during sentencing.

    OK. That’s to be expected and redundant.

    But, apparently there was a woman there all day holding a sign that read….THIS IS A SIGN. I’d like to think she was an IOTW wiseass.

    Maybe not though.

    Cracked me up anyway.


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