Manchester: Fears after police find bomb factory in raid – IOTW Report

Manchester: Fears after police find bomb factory in raid


NewEnglishReview: The Manchester suicide bomber may have built a second device which is now in the hands of fellow jihadists, police fear.

Officers who raided the home of Salman Abedi discovered a working bomb factory with a huge stash of explosive chemicals and other components.

Security sources now believe that Abedi assembled the bomb himself after learning his trade in Libya.  read more

21 Comments on Manchester: Fears after police find bomb factory in raid

  1. They’re not going to do squat; the month of Ramadan begins at sundown and runs through June 25th.

    Fast all day and binge eat all night.
    Be a dear and pass me the tabouli.

  2. all the muslim terror-tards arrested plus the dead devout muslim bomber lived within a 10 mile radius of me ! to day I have to play the ” nail bomb ” roulette game thanks to my muslim appeaseing government that have 24 hour armed guard [ ed uk ]

  3. he had a job in a factory-

    “discovered a working bomb factory”

    he had an apparently employable trade he learned abroad-

    “learning his trade in Libya”

    so he was employed and working, how much do you want to bet he was collecting welfare too ?

    does this put to rest the theory that it’s not poverty that causes Islamic terrorism ?

    “a huge stash of explosive chemicals and other components”

    can you use your ebt cards in the United States to buy bomb making supplies like you apparently can in Britain ?

    it’s funny but in Britain you can’t have a gun but you can have a bomb or bomb making supplies ?

  4. @ Zonga

    Correct. Doesn’t pass the smell test. The bomber may have been a mule and the bomb-maker is still on the run.
    The original story is usually correct…then it’s revised to fit a scenario or to calm fears.

  5. Imagine fighting World War II with candlelight vigils and statements from celebrity imbeciles?
    The cold hard facts are: You need to go get the enemy where they are and eliminate them. And we all know exactly where they are because the whole savage family – and the WHOLE SAVAGE NEIGHBORHOOD – is in on it. They operate right out in the open with smug impunity.

  6. @Bad Brad: Residents aren’t allowed to own guns. However, they’ve been known to torch a few Muzzie businesses, and mosques. I expect to see more of that kind of butt hurt coming from the people.

  7. How long can we keep going down this road that more and more words are made illegal and how can we keep up? Nuts on it, I’m gonna put a continuous loop of Blazing Saddles on everywhere I go.

  8. The governments of these socialist countries need to be ripped out by the roots in a big and dramatic way. Unfortunately, the people have been trained to think and act like idiots by relinquishing their own power.
    We’re right behind them if we don’t start educating our own idiots.

  9. The only solution is to completely ban Islam in all forms, just as they banned National Socialism.
    Close all mosques. Declare Islam a terrorist criminal subversive creed, which only masquerades as a Religion for political purposes.
    Deport all Muslims. Those who apply to remain must renounce Islam and be monitored, like parolees.

    Not likely to happen. Too much Islamist money bribing UK politicians, too many voters brainwashed into multiculti surrender.

    Tragic, but I expect the U.K. to succumb to creeping Sharia, their military and nukes arsenal will be under Muslim control ( as by then will be most of Europe).
    Unless nuclear Iraq or nuclear Pakistan jumps the gun and starts WW3 ahead of schedule.

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