Manchin Hammers Obama’s Failed Policies, Praises Trump For Getting Things Done – IOTW Report

Manchin Hammers Obama’s Failed Policies, Praises Trump For Getting Things Done


Imagine the intensifying pressure on West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, the Senate’s most approachable Democrat for Republicans.

In the increasingly toxic, partisan Washington, D.C., Manchin walks a treacherous path down the middle of the road. He says, “I’m a West Virginia Democrat, not a Washington Democrat.” He looks for solutions, but says “this toxic atmosphere is not for me. It’s not who I am,” he told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

He describes President Donald Trump voters in West Virginia “like returning Vietnam veterans who did everything their country asked and then got kicked in the teeth.” He says his state has done the heavy lifting for America – mining, manufacturing to be the superpower of the world — but the Obama energy and environment policies crushed West Virginia’s spirit.


16 Comments on Manchin Hammers Obama’s Failed Policies, Praises Trump For Getting Things Done

  1. Switch parties Joe. The democrats have abandoned Americans. You seem to agree with us more than you disagree. Switching parties would be a smart move for you. That way Trump can come to WV to campaign for you when the time comes. You’re in a red state now.

  2. Who gives a crap what this democrat politician says. Check out his voting record. Manchin knows Trump kicked Hillary’s wrinkled ass in West Virginia and he has a real tough re-election ahead of him. There are plenty of real conservatives in West Virginia who would make a much better Senator than this douchebag. Notice he was careful not to run his pie hole while Dictator Imam Obama squatted in the Oval Office.

    Manchin needs to go. Big Phony.

  3. Is he the opposite of a RINO? Is he a DINO? Or is he just a moderate Democrat in a Islamo Socialist Party? If he had run for President, he would have been crushed just like Webb was in the early primaries. I’ve long wondered where these forgotten moderates were going to land as their party was pushed further to the left by the loonies who will say anything and promise everything to get elected.

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