Manchin, Sinema defy Biden again, this time on removing filibuster for abortion law – IOTW Report

Manchin, Sinema defy Biden again, this time on removing filibuster for abortion law


Sens. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz. and Joe Manchin, D-W.V., declared Thursday they would not go along with President Joe Biden’s request that Congress remove the Senate filibuster to “codify Roe v. Wade.”

At a news conference in Spain Thursday during Biden’s last day of an overseas trip, Biden called on Congress to codify abortion protections in response to the Supreme Court’s recent ruling overturning Roe v. Wade, but before his plane landed in the U.S. later that day, the two Democratic senators had already stopped his plan dead in its tracks.

“The most important thing to be clear about is I believe we have to codify Roe v. Wade in the law,” Biden told reporters at the news conference in Spain. “And the way to do that is to make sure that Congress votes to do that, and if the filibuster gets in the way, it’s like voting rights, it should be … we provide an exception for this … require an exception to the filibuster for this action.”

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled last Friday in Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health that there is no constitutional right to an abortion, sending the issue back to the states to create their own abortion laws.

After the ruling, Manchin issued a statement saying he wanted both parties to pass legislation together codifying Roe v. Wade. Removing the long-standing filibuster would allow Democrats to pass the law without Republican support in the evenly divided Senate, and would set a vastly different precedent for the legislative body in the future.

“But let me be clear, I support legislation that would codify the rights Roe v. Wade previously protected,” Manchin said after Roe v. Wade was overturned. “I am hopeful Democrats and Republicans will come together to put forward a piece of legislation that would do just that.”

Republican senators quickly stood against Biden’s plan as well, clearly hopeful Manchin and Sinema would join them. more

9 Comments on Manchin, Sinema defy Biden again, this time on removing filibuster for abortion law

  1. “The most important thing to be clear about is I believe we have to codify Roe v. Wade in the law,”

    The progressive agenda in full bloom.

    The hierarchy of the progressive agenda; Abortion, Green New Deal, Gun Confiscation, Racial Equity (meaning racial discrimination), replacing current citizens with illegals, and keeping the populace dependent on them for their needs.

  2. People don’t realize that Manchin won, barely (3%), in a quite red state by appealing to Republicans. He is a borderline Democrat, and would lose by a lot in 2024 if he catered to the Dem demands. Not that I have any love for the guy, but he knows that any support he gives to Dem issues makes it harder for him to win. Similar with Sinema – but I think she also loves the limelight of being a holdout.

  3. This is all kabuki theater bullshit. The democrats had 49 years to codify Roe v Wade into law, and never did because they never had the votes. And they still don’t have the votes. And if they tried to codify it now, they likely still won’t have the votes because the DNC leadership is so evil and crazy that they will try to legalize it all the way to month 9 which means it will never get through the Senate. Even the usual assholes like Romney, Collins, and Murkowski couldn’t support that. And the demonic pig women in the pro-abortion base will stand for nothing less than being able to kill a baby the literal day it is to be born.

  4. 😭And Republicans need help changing their Depends,Aah you just wait till they grow up give em assault weapons teach em hate then let nature run it’s course dirtbag.

  5. @Rich Taylor July 1, 2022 at 6:02 pm

    > The hierarchy of the progressive agenda; Abortion, Green New Deal, Gun Confiscation, Racial Equity (meaning racial discrimination), replacing current citizens with illegals, and keeping the populace dependent on them for their needs.

    You forgot(?) Feminism.

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