Manchin Sits on Republican Side During SOTU, and Boebert Yells at Biden – IOTW Report

Manchin Sits on Republican Side During SOTU, and Boebert Yells at Biden

Read into it what you will, but Senator Joe Manchin, a Democrat, chose to sit with Republicans during Joe Biden’s State of the Union address Tuesday night. According to Washington Examiner.

Rep. Lauren Boebert Erupts At Biden’s SOTU, Shouts About The 13 Americans Killed In Afghanistan.

Republican Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert interrupted President Joe Biden during his State of the Union address Tuesday night, mentioning the 13 U.S. service members who were killed in Afghanistan.

As Biden described veterans exposed to burn pits developing “cancer that would put them in a flag-draped coffin,” Boebert yelled out: “You put them in, 13 of them,” sparking boos from the Democrats in the chamber. Boebert is referring to the 13 U.S. service members who were killed in a terror attack at the Kabul airport as Americans were left stranded throughout the country in August 2021.

“Headaches, numbness, dizziness, a cancer that would put them in a flag-draped coffin, I know,” Biden said.

Boebert then shouted: “13 of them!”

Jill Biden SOTU guest was critical race theory supporter.
[Even though they keep telling us CRT doesn’t exists]

Biden in State of the Union flatly misleads about Trump tax cut.

‘FUND The Police’: Biden Calls For More Police While Promoting His Gun Control Agenda

26 Comments on Manchin Sits on Republican Side During SOTU, and Boebert Yells at Biden

  1. I know that Ben Shapiro in not very popular on this site but he made a very good response video on Y-tube. 11 min if you can handle him.

    Ben Shapiro Responds to Biden’s State of the Union Address. Mar 1/22

  2. Stupid senile asshole pudding headed dipshit child groping self aggrandizing bombastic bony finger pointing corrupt cowardly mumbling bumbling stumbling jackass perderast mandate dictating lying cantankerous weak jelly brained sack of shit fucking weasel cocksucker Satan loving baby killing tax raising inflation humping crime love racist white supremist troop killing muslim terrorist helping nazi red diaper doper loving marxist sovereignty erasing gin hating tool of global puppet masters…

  3. Stupid senile asshole pudding headed dipshit child groping self aggrandizing bombastic bony finger pointing corrupt cowardly mumbling bumbling stumbling jackass perderast mandate dictating lying cantankerous weak jelly brained sack of shit fucking weasel cocksucker Satan loving baby killing tax raising inflation humping crime loving racist white supremist troop killing muslim terrorist helping nazi red diaper doper loving marxist sovereignty erasing gun hating tool of global puppet masters…

  4. I was wondering who yelled that out.

    Dear Rep. Boebert,

    The White Ass Honkie Cracker, Pants Shitter is gonna be real pissed off at you when he wakes up nice and Wet sometime around 4PM Wednesday.

    But you can easily handle it.
    Thank you!

  5. “Let’s stop seeing each other as enemies”

    – Asshole who tried to sic the FBI on parents by smearing them as “domestic terrorists” because they didn’t want their kids indoctrinated with anti-white racism in public schools

    Fuck Joe Biden
    Fuck the democrats

  6. @cisco – great list – here’s a few more that you left off

    skinny-dipping in front of female agents forced to protect his sorry bare ass, weirdo creepy inappropriate showering dad

  7. The weirdest part was when Resident Biden was talking about the health impacts of the burn pits and Nazi Pelosi smiled, stood, curled up her hands, and rubbed her knuckles together. I mean, what the actual fuck is wrong with that woman.

  8. Did anyone else notice that they delayed the GOPe response to the SOTU speech by almost 30 minutes!

    If I had a military, the US Media would be leveled as of yesterday.

  9. Apparently the Leftists are not worried about killing their rented mule.

    Shitpants seemed so full of “fountain-of-youth” drugs that I thought he might stroke out with his “go get’em!” air wave at the end of his 62 min bullshit palooza.


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