Manchin Stumbles Upon the Perfect Piece of Leverage Against Joe Biden – IOTW Report

Manchin Stumbles Upon the Perfect Piece of Leverage Against Joe Biden


While the news has been inundated with Kyle Rittenhouse trial reactions and the mass murder that took place in Waukesha, Joe Biden’s agenda continues to languish.

After Nancy Pelosi forced through the “Build Back Better” bill last week, the administration is no closer to seeing it come to fruition in the Senate. Multiple things were included in the House version that Joe Manchin has already said represent a redline, including climate provisions and federal funding for abortions. more

4 Comments on Manchin Stumbles Upon the Perfect Piece of Leverage Against Joe Biden

  1. “After Nancy Pelosi forced through the “Build Back Better” bill last week…” She didn’t have to “force” very hard, after the traitorous RINOs joined with the dems to pass it.

  2. “…I continue to call on President Biden to responsibly increase energy production here at home and to reverse course to allow the Keystone XL pipeline to be built which would have provided our country with up to 900,000 barrels of oil per day from Canada, one of our closest allies. To be clear, this is about American energy independence and the fact that hard working Americans should not depend on foreign actors, like OPEC+, for our energy security and instead focus on the real challenges facing our country’s future.”…”

    He’s a democrat??? Joe, take a deep breath, suck it up and take the plunge into the republican party. The water’s fine, come on in.

  3. Don’t Forget, Canuckistan Cancelled 2 of our own pipelines via Turdeau. One was planned to send Alberta Oil towards Quebeckistan in order to reduce Oil imports from Saudi Arabia.

    Let’s think about that for a second;
    Canada has landlocked Oil that Turd Boy wants to send to the USA BUT his home province is sending dollars to the Middle East where women are treated like self propelled furniture.

    So ultimately, why should we rely on the USA to buy our Oil if Our French Cocksuckers don’t?

    Furthermore, if oil is not going to be needed in the near future, should you not use up your reserves BEFORE they are worth nothing?

    Liberal Economics….


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