Mandatory Air Conditioning? – IOTW Report

Mandatory Air Conditioning?


By Lars Larson,
NW and national radio host

It has been blistering hot for the past few weeks and that’s tough to take without air conditioning.

But now at least one state lawmaker wants to impose a legal AC requirement on landlords?

The pandemic and the government’s ridiculous overreaction to it hit landlords hard.

Tenants who don’t pay and can’t be kicked out.

Limits on rent increases and security deposits.

And now they want central air? And landlords will be forbidden to pass the costs along to tenants. MORE

26 Comments on Mandatory Air Conditioning?

  1. I seem to remember this happened after I quit Verizon. Our trucks didn’t have AC. That wasn’t a big deal because most of us grew up without AC even in our family vehicles.

    Bell Atlantic/ Verizon held the tenet that had we had AC in our vehicles we wouldn’t do any work during the hotter months. Which makes no sense because we had heat in our trucks and still did work in the colder months.

    So OSHA mandated ACs in Bell vehicles. Which must have cost millions. We had old fleet and new fleet, and you know it doesn’t matter much. Putting AC into a vehicle that doesn’t have it is fucking bad. I’d rather renew bearings and tappets, pistons and bores, than put AC into a vehicle that didn’t have it.

    But there it is again. Government overstepping everything they fucking can.

  2. AC is not in the Constitution. Nor was it in the OSHA regulations of my day.

    Now you know why your telephone bill is egregious. And AC in the vehicles wasn’t the start of it.

  3. I have been in HVAC for over 35 years.

    1) North America does not have the HYDRO
    2) Many people cannot afford Hydro at today’s rate, Future rates?
    3) There are not enough Technicians and Installers
    4) Refrigerants are Bad for the Environment.

    Blah Blah Blah

  4. Forbidden to pass along the cost? What’s next, forbidden to pass along rising property taxes? I suppose that’s irrelevant if the tenants don’t have to pay for anything anyhow.

    This year I installed mirrored window tint on 33 south facing windows of the house. This place has too many damn windows. What a difference, the AC can cool the place now instead of just wasting money. Only took 21 years to get off my ass and do it. Things you never thought you could be good at, I’m thinking of starting a window tinting business.

  5. “AC is the reason these motherfuckers don’t do any work!”

    It’s actually because you hired motherfuckers who don’t want to do shit. You hired retards because your tests are no longer allowed to weed out retards.

  6. Joe6

    Technically you were 100% correct. Hydro Electric is from generation like the Hover Dam or Niagra Falls where Water Drop/Flow is used to turn turbines.

    Solar, and wind are “electricity” without the hydro.

  7. They just want to oust the paying people and turn it all into section 8 for the homeless. Just throw in some illegal narcotics and make money on both ends, it’s the Dem way.

  8. KCIR, I got a question. If you’re an apartment owner and you have 10 units in a single building.

    Do you central air the whole building or just stick a 100 dollar air conditioner in each bedroom?

    Ya’ gotta’ rewire either way. Plus wear and tear over time… building codes….insurance…

    I dunno’, what’s the cost effective and safe way to do it?

  9. Burr, if they make you put in AC in each unit you give each one 100 bucks and then burn down the building and live off the insurance money. Duh.

  10. Increasingly, only way to really solve all these problems constantly springing up in our complex society is to eliminate the source of most all the problems: kill off these legislators.

  11. Southern Maryland. I knew a county doctor, and old guy, who was the doc at the county jail, said the jail would not get AC until every tax payer in the county had AC.

  12. That’s why I’m asking. The guy who invented the portable ac wuz black.

    Burning down a building with all portable ac’s would be… blacksphemy. Of some kind…

    So confusing navigating modern identity electrician problems.

  13. Turn off the lights, shut the door, and walk away.

    Only a Valerie Jarrett-type connected slumlord will survive this kind of imbecility.

    izlamo delenda est …

  14. @Burr
    There is NO COST EFFECTIVE WAY in an occupied Hot water boiler type building with Radiator type heating.

    As in the pictures, the individual window units are the easiest but that would mean 2 per tenant minimum. (bedroom & 1 common area)
    They each use about 1000 watts or 8 amps each which is $$$
    Many buildings do not have large enough electricity mains for those numbers.
    They should be pulled out and washed/cleaned Once a year to keep the outside facing coils clean.

    If you leave them in the windows all year, they tend to let cold air in during winter as they are generally not sealed well against the windows. Regularly someone makes the news when one falls out and kills someone in a parking lot.

    Converting a large building that has FAN COIL HEATING with HOT water Coils can be done but every fan coil unit most likely needs to be changed, and if you have a 2 pipe water LOOP system a massive chiller needs to be installed to do the opposite of the Boilers and COOL the water LOOP. Then there is the question of draining the condensed humidity. Not easy.

    It is very expensive and frankly AIR CONDITIONING is a LUXURY.
    Last time I bought a vehicle they charge $150 Air Cond. tax on my Ford E-250.

    A/C needs to be earned not awarded.

    Last week California asked Tesla owners to not charge their cars due to Electricity Shortages. Imagine if everyone decided to plug in a Toaster oven set on LOW (750 watts) at once) Air Cond. would be double that load.

  15. “@Tim: “Only a Valerie Jarrett-type…”

    valerie jarrett is an iranian anchor baby”

    Also a well-protected, filthy rich, Chicago slumlord – making a fortune off indigence.

    izlamo delenda est …

  16. Thank you Kcir, I knew retroactively fitting the apartment would be expensive and a pain in the butt. It’s nice to have numbers and science behind it.

    I was wondering specifically because I live in an older house that was retrofitted for central air. Got the big motor outside and a bunch of stuff in what used to be the attic. (I’m not an a/c guy)
    It’s a lot of stuff for one house.

    Who the fudge has money to convert an entire apartment building?

    Man these libs have no clue what the real world looks like.


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