Manhattan DA Chief Assistant Deletes Her Twitter Account – IOTW Report

Manhattan DA Chief Assistant Deletes Her Twitter Account

GP: Early on Thursday morning, The Gateway Pundit released a report that did a deep dive into Alvin Bragg’s Chief Assistant District Attorney Meg Reiss’s Twitter Account.

In the report, it was discovered Reiss liked several anti-Trump tweets that called for Americans to “Dump Trump”,  “drive out everything he (Trump) represents” and more.

She also retweeted a video of Rep. Hakeem Jeffries calling for Democrats to put “Maturity over Mar-a-Lago.”

Just a few hours after the report was released, Meg Reiss locked her Twitter account. more

4 Comments on Manhattan DA Chief Assistant Deletes Her Twitter Account

  1. I don’t need to see anyone’s Twitter account or listen to any talking head to know exactly what’s going on.

    All the assholes in the new world order fantasy are trying to remove the biggest obstacle that stands in their way.

  2. They may attempt to slow-walk this farce of a trial into, and past, the ’24 election.

    Not sure what that would give them though, unless they ‘Jan 6th’ Trump…

    Game on!


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