Manhunt continues after police officer shot north of Chicago – IOTW Report

Manhunt continues after police officer shot north of Chicago

2 white guys and a black guy are the suspects.

White guys??

23 Comments on Manhunt continues after police officer shot north of Chicago

  1. *White Guys*


    White guys may or may not refer to wiggers, nigger wannabees.

    They may or may not be affiliated with the #BlackLivesMatter group, but likely are.

    These ‘white guys’ should not count on the police not whipping their ass, because they deserve it and are not of the protected class.

    These ‘white guys’ should not count on media protection.

    They should not count on the media referring to them as “teens”.

    They cannot count on the media not posting their photographs all over the news, because they will want to shout your white cracker punk-assed, privileged race from the rooftops.

    Finally, the ‘white guys’ cannot count on the niggers killing them last.

  2. Hey you gun nutz, 8 P


    Attorneys were concerned about being able to provide a quality service for commodity prices. Brislawn explained that his response to the objection was to create options.

    “We built an NFA-only, streamlined $97 version of a gun trust for somebody on a budget, like a young adult buying his or her first silencer,” he explained. “Then we created more versions for different gun owner goals and needs, all the way up to the ultra-wealthy gun owner having a multi-million dollar gun collection.”

    “Knowing gun owners, I guessed that someday I would run into some folks with multi-million dollar gun collections,” he mused. “Well, it happened, and I have helped plan for some pretty amazing gun collections in addition to modest ones. And every one of those gun owners values that collection personally, no matter what it is worth in dollars.

    [ snip ]

  3. I’ve been listening to the scanner all day, these goofs are long gone.

    Interesting to note what kept me gripped to the scanner all day. It was all the random call ins, suspicious man stealing tomatoes, drunk lady beating some guy, etc.

    If anything looked different form yesterday it was on the scanner. Unfortunately the 5-Oh was too busy chasing down meth head paranoia. Fox Lake used to be a nice afternoon away, but there’s a lot of shady drug crap that goes on around there for the better part of the past 35-40 years.

  4. I have read reports that indicate the Lt. was shot with a shotgun. I don’t know anything about that area but I assume these guys must have had a vehicle if they were armed with a shotgun.

    Was this a car stop or did he observe them on foot? Again, the media reports I have heard are not clear. There was even conflicting info on one savage being in custody.

    Is this a vacation home community? Maybe junkies looking a burglary but very rare to carry a shotgun…

  5. Exactly. I’m a white guy living in a white area and as such truly have limited expertise on black culture.

    But my understanding is, absolutely no white people will EVER truly be FULLY welcomed into a black social construct.

    You can be white and be dear friends with black people, you can hang out with black people, and you may in fact be respected by the black people.

    But you will NEVER be black, you can NEVER achieve full inclusion into the group.

    Sure there are exceptions, maybe, in theory. Like maybe if you are a fat white chick and marry a black dude because he wants to have kids with whiter skin tone, as they do, but even then does the fat white chick truly become part of the black circle?


    These useful crackers are just useful crackers.

  6. I heard on the scanner yesterday that they recovered a H&K .40 three feet from someone’s head. The media was reporting the officer’s gun as being taken, however today I’m hearing that the gun was never taken, so I assume the gun mentioned yesterday was the officer’s. The fact they are now saying the gun wasn’t taken means there had to be another gun or three.

    Yes it is a vacation like community but there are many permanent residents. I need to look, but I think there’s an early or nuisance goose season going on up there, so there are quite a few fellas walking around with shotguns. I heard on the scanner they were following up on duck blinds for shots fired.

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