Manhunt for the Distributor of the Completely Innocuous Flyer That States, “It’s Okay To Be White” – IOTW Report

Manhunt for the Distributor of the Completely Innocuous Flyer That States, “It’s Okay To Be White”

You cannot say “it’s okay to be white” on a flyer. Apparently, that’s a highly charged and loaded statement.

The purpose of the flyer was probably to see what the reaction would be, and the flier revealed just how friggin’ insane this world is.

The left, and their idiotic views, needs to be quashed.

Dear Students,

This morning, our administrative team was alerted to the presence of flyers around the law school campus. I want to thank every student, staff, and faculty member who took the time to remove them and bring them to our attention. We are currently in the process of investigating this matter and hope to have this resolved quickly.

In the meantime, I want to address the message that was posted. As you may have noticed, OCU Law has been intentional and relentless in celebrating the voices, achievements, and culture of our diverse community. We enjoyed celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month, LGBTQ+ History Month, Dia de los Muertos, and are excited to kick off Native American Heritage Month. And we will continue to celebrate our diverse community throughout the year.

Despite what the intentions of that message may have been, the message reminds me of one fact that I know our community embraces – it’s okay to be EVERYBODY. Exclusion and hate will not be tolerated here. You are accepted at OCU Law no matter how you pray, what you look like, or who you love. And you always will be.


Jim Roth | Dean


“It hurts because Oklahoma City has had prior history of white nationalism, and the dangers of it. We sit two blocks south of the Memorial,” OCU Law grad Jose Cruz told News 4. “So, I don`t think, we talk about the Oklahoma standard. There`s no space for that here.”

Cruz just graduated from OCU Law back in May, and says he was shocked when friends told him about these flyers popping up around campus on Thursday.

“It`s unfortunate that people think they have to express themselves this way,” Cruz said. “I really wish people wouldn`t resort to this kind of messaging, because it`s not really a manner of dialog, it`s just trolling.”


42 Comments on Manhunt for the Distributor of the Completely Innocuous Flyer That States, “It’s Okay To Be White”

  1. What has them pissed is that they have spent decades inculcating the notion that all of the pathologies present in their miserable lives result from oppression by white people. This mindset, of course, is picked up and regurgitated by the weak minded and/or impressionable and God help anyone who wants to have a reasoned debate on the subject. You are only allowed to express an opinion that is supportive of that theory and are absolutely forbidden to bring up anything that might lead to debate or critical examination. Today’s leftists are absolutely as bad or worse than any group that has ever been when it comes to censoring any opinion and shutting down any attempt to examine their pet theories.

    It is understandable, their bullshit cannot stand up to critical scrutiny.

  2. But it’s gooder than ok to be
    -a pederast
    -a fornicator
    -a muslim
    -an atheist
    -a polygamist
    -a defaulter on college debt
    -an illegal alien
    -a deadbeat and irresponsible parent
    -a “person of color” , but that does explain all the ridiculous fake tanning out there….

  3. If I were a truly reprehensible human being, I would prepare and post another flyer:

    “Regarding the “it’s o.k. to be white” flyer that was previously posted, we were actually in error. The correct statement is “it’s great to be white.” I hope this clears things up.”

  4. So how are “it’s OK to be white”, and the idiot dean’s message “it’s OK to be everybody”, mutually exclusive? If someone had printed flyers saying “it’s OK to be Black”, or “it’s OK to be brown” we know for a certainty the dean wouldn’t have blinked. Implicit in the dean’s reaction, is that it’s NOT ok to be white.

  5. “It’s OK to be male” would also never fly.

    But “It’s OK to deny/change/protest your gender” would be a flyer sponsored and distributed by various campus organizations.

  6. That in a nutshell sums up what is wrong with universities. No one has the right not to be offended. Same dean would protect a BLM anti cop event. So much for higher learning.

  7. @JDHasty November 4, 2019 at 2:09 pm

    > cannot stand up to critical scrutiny

    I like the turn of phrase

    homosexual -> gay
    infanticide -> women’s health
    box cars -> critical scrutiny

  8. …OCU’s new School Song…

    …oddly, this same singer seems to like White in some OTHER ways, though…

    “White boys are so pretty
    Skin as smooth as milk
    White boys are so pretty
    Hair like Chinese silk

    White boys give me goose bumps
    White boys give me chills
    When they touch my shoulder
    That’s the touch that kills

    Well, my momma calls ’em lilies
    I call ’em Piccadillies
    My daddy warns me stay away
    I say come on out and play

    White boys are so groovy
    White boys are so tough
    Every time that they’re near me
    I just can’t get enough

    White boys are so pretty
    White boys are so sweet
    White boys drive me crazy
    Drive me indiscreet

    White boys are so sexy
    Legs so long and lean
    Love those sprayed-on trousers
    Love the love machine

    My brother calls ’em rubble
    That’s my kind of trouble
    My daddy warns me “no no no”
    But I say “White boys go go go”

    White boys are so lovely
    Beautiful as girls
    I love to run my fingers
    And toes through all their curls

    Give me a tall
    A lean
    A sexy
    A sweet
    A pretty
    A juicy
    White boy

    Black boys!
    White boys!
    Black boys!
    White boys!

    Mixed media! ”
    -Melba Moore, “White Boys”

    …so maybe it’s OK to be White after all…

  9. White Privilege, like christian.zionism/rapture, is a carefully engineered and designed psychological attack on White Christianity. The inventors of both are deviously evil. Those who believe these things are unquestioning idiots.
    Spreaders of the “White privilege” MYTH are mentally ill. They have Low Self Esteem, and Negative Self Worth, and need Mental Counseling.

    “White privilege” is CHILD ABUSE ….. it is a deliberate, designed, racist attack on the self image of White children.
    “White privilege” is classic Racist Bullying …… tearing down others rather than lifting yourself up.

  10. We are PEOPLE of LIGHT.
    ‘People Of Light’: New Campaign Seeks To Redefine What It Means To Be ‘White’
    Chris Menahan InformationLiberation Jun. 19, 2018
    A new campaign is seeking to redefine the “outdated” term “white people” with the “people-first” term “people of light,” which is short for “people of light skin.”
    “People of light,” also known as “persons of light,” or “PoL” for short, say the term “white” is racist and outdated and they want everyone to use “people-first language.”

  11. The law school dean is a Marxist/Leftist jew. What a surprise. How did this happen in Oklahoma? My grand-mother grew-up in OK. How did it get subsumed by Bolshevik anti-Gentile/anti-Christian/anti-white Heritage American jews.

  12. Well I AM WHITE , and I’m not gonna change !
    And I AM gonna pray , wherever and whenever I want !
    And I’m gonna salute the American flag.
    And I’m gonna keep ALL my guns.
    But if that don’t suit your commie , faggot , liberal
    ass , please feel free to come on over and do something
    about it !
    Please , just MAKE MY DAY !

  13. God obviously knows it’s more than “ok” to be white…or any other skin color He designed for man.

    Genesis 1:27
    “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them…”

    Only demonized leftists think they can defy God and redefine things they had nothing to do with establishing in the first place.


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