Manhunt is underway for gun-store robbery suspect who sent manifesto to Trump – IOTW Report

Manhunt is underway for gun-store robbery suspect who sent manifesto to Trump

A $10,000 reward is being offered by the government for any information that leads to the arrest of Joseph A. Jakubowski. He stole a bunch of guns, set his car on fire, and has a wild hair up his butt for Trump.
He is to be considered armed and dangerous.

10 Comments on Manhunt is underway for gun-store robbery suspect who sent manifesto to Trump

  1. Oh so he’s NOT a Tea Party guy and Trump’s white, the cops are hated. So you know, no hurry catching him. Take your time, fellas… Go print up some signs for the next anti-gun rally. Somebody wake up Schumer so he can practice crying.

  2. Joseph A. Jakubowski. He stole a bunch of guns, set his car on fire, and has a wild hair up his butt for Trump.

    In other words, your average liberal on a Friday night.

    The crazy is the real threat. Someone’s going to die.

    Unless he has a gang to go with him, he’s a lone threat and the amount of guns is useless fear mongering.

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  1. Manifesto Writer/Gun Shop Thief Apprehended – IOTW Report

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