Manifesto Writer/Gun Shop Thief Apprehended – IOTW Report

Manifesto Writer/Gun Shop Thief Apprehended

Update to this story–

Manhunt is underway for gun-store robbery suspect who sent manifesto to Trump

Update HERE

9 Comments on Manifesto Writer/Gun Shop Thief Apprehended

  1. Good. Next should be that German professor who thinks Trump should hang. Sessions is going to be busy, busy, busy.

    (BTW, and speaking of loose ends getting tied up: Thirty congressmen sent a letter this week to Trump to prosecute Lois Lerner on at least two felonies (promoting unequal legal treatment of citizens, lying to the FBI/congress) and to call for the removal of Koskinen for his lying. Just thought you’d want to know that besides the opportunity to prosecute F&F again, there are some other obama era scandals that aren’t going away.)

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