Manning – IOTW Report


I love the juxtaposition between the Manning and the model in the “same” swimsuit.


35 Comments on Manning

  1. How fucked up is this country? A guy that is convicted of treason (or close to it) gets a taxpayer paid sex change, while in jail, then is pardoned by a gay, drug taking fraud of a president, and then is featured in one of the top fashion magazines in the country. what next, What Next, WHAT NEXT?!?!

  2. XY until the day he dies.

    No amount of makeup, wardrobe changes, hormones or mutilation surgery can change that fact that he is a man. All he has done is demonstrate how mentally ill and sinful he is to the world.

  3. I hope this toddler-age fascination with one’s genitalia soon runs its course. It’s all rather embarrassing to see it everywhere you turn. The next thing you know, people will be talking, texting, FB-ing, and Instagram-ing about their poo poo and their tinkles.

  4. All the trendy fops in new york will have him on display like an exotic animal till they grow bored. Eventually he’ll end up dead, probably by being slashed repeatedly during some disgusting sex act.

  5. I’m laughing at myself right now! I saw the thumbnail photo and the bolded “Go retro in red with Chelsea’s swimsuit”, thought it was Chelsea Clinton, and immediately said to myself “My GOD she looks like a MAN.”

  6. Not addressing the media trying to shovel at us that men can be women means we are surrendering to the idea.


    What else shouldn’t I address?
    What are these important things that we are ignoring on this blog?

    What’s more important than the left’s attempt at convincing society that there is no such thing as a man and a woman as defined by the creator, and by creator I don’t mean Dr. Cutchacockov.

  7. “Does North Korea need some coordinates for their nukes? Hollywood and San Fran come to mind…”

    There’s a new map out where they’ve relabeled California Guam. Not funny. LOL

  8. On a positive note, Traitor Bradley Manning dressed up as a woman is better looking than Chelsea Clinton, Moochelle Obama and the vast majority of democrat communist woman.

    Manning belongs in prison for the rest of his worthless, traitorous life.

  9. Gross, gross, gross!
    The left continually tries to push this spiritual and mental deviance as normal and beautiful.
    All part of the effort to ruin liberty.
    This is what would have been in the media in ancient Rome if they’d have had the technology.

  10. crap like this makes me sick at my stomach. This deranged puke being exalted to star status as a model makes me realize how fucked up a country we have become.

  11. Can you imagine the mess in getting all that ‘wet Kleenex’ out of the top of that swimsuit?

    Why didn’t IT wear a waist cinch, in order to look more like the gal in the ad?

    Is IT holding a cinnamon bun on top of ITS head?

    Just so many ???

    PS: Thank you for the fine comment, Sir Fur!!!

  12. FAGS: Guys who like to suck other guys’ dicks, lick their asses, and fuck em in the ass – and/or have their dicks sucked, asses licked, and get fucked in the ass – and/or some combination.

    Point is – EXCLUSIVE of the female sex.

    So … why do they make so much effort to look like girls?

    It just doesn’t make any sense, to me.
    What’s the point of looking like a girl to attract guys who are attracted to guys?

    Maybe there are some things not meant to be understood.

    izlamo delenda est …

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