Manson Dead – IOTW Report

Manson Dead

Let him sing himself out.

The nutball wasn’t all that bad.

What a waste of a life.

Rest, I guess, in hell.

38 Comments on Manson Dead

  1. I wish the veil had been lowered so I could have witnessed the look of horror on Charlie’s face when he realized he wasn’t my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    F.D.R. is going to be incommunicado for a while. They’ve been gnashing at the bit for this black soul for decades.

  2. Lucifer now has competition for the top spot and the temperature down here just increased to “hard boil.” I sure hope this Manson guy doesn’t try to take over; we were figuring Hillary Clinton would be our new boss eventually. 👿

  3. Manson will be raised to stand in judgment of his works. Then the Lake of Fire, for it is appointed unto men once to die, THEN judgment.

    But so will all – however nice, religious and moral – who reject the death and burial of Christ for their sins and His resurrection for their justification. Refuse that and you will end up next to Manson forever.

    Die in your sins, go to the Lake. No escape. It’s your call.

  4. It would be interesting to find out how much that dirtbag cost us. Between the police work, trials, incarceration, medical treatment it has to be north of $10M. Maybe more.

  5. Ha ha ha!
    Poor ole Satan! Manson. And he’s still waiting on Clinton (both), McConnell, Ryan, Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstein, Obola (both), McCain (soon, maybe), Carter (maybe sooner), Reid, Waters, Jackson-Lee, Grayson, Frederika Wilson, Jesse Jackson, Revrum Al, Koskinen, Lerner, Gruber, Clapper, Soros, Mugabe – can you imagine having to listen to that gaggle of shrieking maggots?
    Hell will even be Hell for Satan!

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. If Manson has been reincarnated, he’s probably a bacterium living in someone’s septic tank. After a few billion lifetimes, he may make it all the way up to a cockroach.

  7. Death row inmates, barring some medical illness, usually cost ovr $100k per year to house, guard, etc.

    Not counting appeals and everything else.

    Because liberals say the feath penalty is inhumane and cruel.
    But thst its a far worse punishment to live in jail than be put to death.

    Well, which is it? Are we supposed to be cruel or not?

    We’ll be cruel but we want to spend $5-$10M over 40 years for our liberals’ moral sanctimony to satisfy those who are immoral to begin.

  8. Is it “ethical” to keep a human locked up for 47 years, in a cage, with other criminals?

    Or is it humane to “put him down” when he has no chance of parole or freedom?

    Check it.

  9. FINALLY! But it’s not over from hearing about this POS. There’s a new movie being made about him and his dastardly deeds. Boycott it! Fry his ass and send the ashes to the dump.

  10. And IF…in his final breath…cried out to the Lord…he will be saved…and not perish…but have everlasting life.
    God’s absolutely amazing Grace is so beyond our comprehension. Even the most noble, honest and gentile person will share the fate of the most vile if they are not born again…period.
    The law condemns the best of men…Grace justifies the worst of men.

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