Mantra to Get Through Maine Winters – IOTW Report

Mantra to Get Through Maine Winters

h/t Little Sis

Watch video HERE.

17 Comments on Mantra to Get Through Maine Winters

  1. I visited Bar Harbor Maine in 1990. It was really nice in July.
    I recommend people visit. It’s really neat.
    I wouldn’t want to visit in the winter.
    By the way – don’t let anyone fool you with the story that there are no snakes on the island. I saw two in one day riding my bike on the carriage trails.

  2. The Great Oz JANUARY 31, 2022 AT 5:23 PM

    “Click your heels together three times..”

    I love Dallas winters
    I love Dallas winters

    Compared to anything north of Texas..

  3. Looks like Virginia this particular year. I’ve done the same cardiophysical exercise twice already this month. We also don’t have alligators. Mostly.

    This winter has been the suck, so far. I feel like I am living on Cape Cod again. Jeez.

  4. Let me know when there’s a place without a single whacko progressive. I’d deal with earthquakes, hurricanes, alligators, scorpions, tornadoes, floods, mudslides, and blizzards in exchange for such a thing.

  5. No gloves. Phhffft. It was obviously over 15 or she would have them on.
    We have snakes but none are poisonous.

    We wear sneakers all winter unless there’s slush or the snow is deep.
    We also get a kick out of the national networks freaking out cuz we’re getting snow. Unless it’s more than 6 inches nothing closes.
    Our blizzard blew through and in the morning the roads were already clear.
    It’s the out of staters electing the leftwing loons too.

  6. #General Malaise
    To find that, go to Bah Habbah (how the herring chokers pronounce it) in the winter.
    The rifraff tourista leave and all that’s left are the good ole Maine people.
    Anytime it gets above freezing…..stay away.
    27 below here in the shadow of Katahdin yesterday morning.
    I drove to Potland in my t-shirt.
    When people down there asked me if I was cold, all I had to say was “County Boy”.


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