March for Life – IOTW Report

March for Life

march for life abortion

While women who had endured having abortions shared stories of regret into a microphone, the pro-abortion activists tried to drown them out with a megaphone. The radical protesters couldn’t dedicate a second of respectful silence to the women in grief from losing their babies.

Abortion Supporters Fail to Block and Disrupt March for Life for the Second Year in a Row.

5 Comments on March for Life

  1. Some of the nastiest people I have ever seen were at a Pro life protest in San Diego opposing us who were silently and prayerfully opposing abortion. Talk about profane, a pissed off pro abort is an ugly thing. And it makes them even more mad when we didn’t respond to them.

  2. Defensiveness of one’s own actions and justification of those horrible actions, coupled by the devil’s daily taunting of the post-abortive person give rise to adamant, vile noise.

    The person who speaks the Truth accepted God’s Healing Grace. Devil just don’t like it.

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