‘March for our lives’ performer was arrested for gun crime last year – IOTW Report

‘March for our lives’ performer was arrested for gun crime last year

American Mirror: Chicago rapper Vic Mensa performed at the March for Our Lives rally over the weekend to lend his support for controlling gun owners in America, despite the fact that he doesn’t follow the laws himself.

Mensa, whose real name is Victor Kwesi Mensah, dedicated his performance at the rally to “Stephon Clark, Decynthia Clemments, and all the unarmed black men and women killed by police weapons.”

“Until all of us are free, none of us will be free,” he said.

Vic performed his “oppression-opposing” ballad “Now We Could Be Free,” which centers on corruption, government oppression, hate groups and other social justice issues. The video for the song, produced by Jay Z’s Roc Nation, transposes footage of the clash in Charlottesville with the Israel-Palestinian conflict. more

11 Comments on ‘March for our lives’ performer was arrested for gun crime last year

  1. “…lend his support for controlling gun owners in America, despite the fact that he doesn’t follow the laws himself.”

    That’s like saying, “crime is down, despite more people being put in jail”.

    Embrace the unifying power of “because”.

  2. Wow, Bad_Brad…so Brother Sharton lent “…his support for controlling gun owners in America, despite the fact that he doesn’t follow the laws himself.” What a freakin’ paradox…a conundrum, I tell ya.


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