Marco Rubio Has Dropped Out – IOTW Report

Marco Rubio Has Dropped Out

After losing Florida, Senator Marco Rubio has dropped out. There are now only three GOP candidates left in the race: Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich.

12 Comments on Marco Rubio Has Dropped Out

  1. Poor Little Marco. He shouldn’t have made fun of Trumps hands. LOL! Little Marco got suckered punched with those hands and many other hands today. I heard his speech, he acted like he was the only one and his family to have a hard time in this country. His parents even thought about going back to Cuba. Well Little Marco, things didn’t get easier for me and my family until I got a job and put up with the bullshit along with it. You’re free now to attend those foam parties. Bye!

  2. When he’s done whining about himself,
    maybe he can get around to apologizing to those Tea Party supporters that he flat out betrayed once he tasted the caviar in the US Senate cafeteria.

    Put a fork in lil Marco

  3. Marco’s gonna be alright … Trump offered him a job as pool-boy at one of his resorts … or so I heard …

    Marco agreed to sacrifice his career for the GOPe and followed through – he’ll be well-taken care of.

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