Maria Skeletor Says Pope Francis Has Made It Okay To Be a Christian Again – IOTW Report

Maria Skeletor Says Pope Francis Has Made It Okay To Be a Christian Again

Wait until you hear this hideous ridiculousness by Maria Shriver.

She starts off by saying that Pope Francis has addressed the pedophilia crisis, so much so that it makes it less embarrassing to be seen going into church.

(Were there mass incarcerations that I’m not aware of?)


She then goes on this diatribe about how Francis has reformed the church because he, himself, believes in global warming, condones illegal immigration, condemns the 1%ers, etc.

In other words, Progressive Pope = Jesus is Just Alright With Me, Oh Yeah.

Prior to this pope, Christianity was cringe-inducing and made one embarrassed to be in the flock.

What a pant load.

And crooked face Brian Williams agrees with her.

Separation of church and state, anyone????

28 Comments on Maria Skeletor Says Pope Francis Has Made It Okay To Be a Christian Again

  1. Why do leftist get so excited to ingratiate themselves with the Pope?

    Why do they need the Pope to affirm their secular religion?

    Wasn’t this the party that had a knock down drag out and basically a sham vote over Jerusalem being the capital of Israel and God as a part of their campaign platform not too long ago?

    Is it that important to them to try to fool the rest of the people in the country into actually believing they are in anyway not a bunch of Communist atheist who want nothing more than to dynamite every religious establishment in the nation?

    Please stop insulting our intelligence leftist. Embrace your anti-religious roots and just stop trying to pander to those who actually believe. It’s cringe worthy watching you parse the Pope for every last statement of support for your agenda while burying with all your might the social issues you can’t defend on moral ground.

    Just stop.

  2. I don’t want to step on any toes in the Holy Roman Church but in every Orthodox Christian service the head of state and their army are blessed. See, the Orthodox pay homage to the current rulers of where they happen to be, but they don’t cross borders to pontificate about it.


  3. Pedophilia in the church has less to do with priests behaving badly than homosexuals behaving normally. If Maria is ashamed of the church, she can renounce her faith. I’m sure Christianity will survive.

  4. This pope like all the others is merely a man and as flawed as all of them. The fact that he embraces non-Biblical Leftist trash proves he is not respectable or Godly.

    Illegal immigration which is nothing more than invasion and theft has never been tolerated by any nation that has survived.

    Since it is a scientific fact that a new, unique human life begins at conception, abortion is the malicious taking of an innocent life and is murder. To soften this pronouncement is to accept blood on your hands and complicity in it.

    His statements on firearms producers and owners is not in line with good people defending themselves which is affirmed in the Bible with the quote in Luke about selling one’s cloak to get a sword and the lack of blood guilt for killing home intruders.

    His acceptance of the crap science of AGW denotes a complete lack of scientific understanding since CO2 is a poor greenhouse gas and is only 3% of the atmosphere and only a mere 3-4% of that amount is made by man so AGW is impossible. However, it is a great political vehicle for socialism and governmental control.

    Finally, his contempt for capitalism is strange given all the parables in the Bible where the evil servants are the ones who do not invest and do not work or steal which is the basis of socialism.

    Oh wait, maybe he is at least aligned with the anti-Christ.

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