Maricopa County Board Of Electors Did Not Trust Its Own Recorder To Oversee 2018 Elections – IOTW Report

Maricopa County Board Of Electors Did Not Trust Its Own Recorder To Oversee 2018 Elections

Conservative Brief: Maricopa County, Arizona election officials have done everything in their power to provide speed bumps to the state Senate’s audit of the 2020 presidential election, and now we have some insight as to why that may be.

Arizona Senate President Karen Fann talked to The Western Journal on Friday and revealed a fact that was unknown before. That the Maricopa County election officials did not trust their own county recorder overseeing the 2018 election.

The Election Department’s Board of Supervisors told Fann around that time that they had “serious problems with Adrian Fontes in the 2018 election,” she said.

And she thinks that the board’s lack of transparency during the current audit is a sign that they are guilty.

“I do believe that the board of supervisors — and probably under advice by their attorneys — probably said, ‘We’re pretty sure that the elections were not done exactly according to the books, that procedure’s at fault,’” she said in the interview. read more

4 Comments on Maricopa County Board Of Electors Did Not Trust Its Own Recorder To Oversee 2018 Elections

  1. even if they prove the fraudulent votes decided the outcome, what will be done about it?

    until we the citizens do it.
    and it can’t be done from in front of the tv.

  2. “…serious problems with Adrian Fontes in the 2018 election,”

    Yet, there he was, still running the show in 2020. And what’s he doing now? Running for Secretary of State. This is why I have huge misgivings about any turnaround in 2022.

  3. I too have huge misgivings about any turnaround as well. Until they root out all the corruption, you have to figure that if they can “win” the House, “win” the Senate and install a demented, grinning imbecile in the White House, they can put anyone in any office they please!!


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