Marie Yovanovich Had More Contact With Burisma Than She Testified – IOTW Report

Marie Yovanovich Had More Contact With Burisma Than She Testified

Fox News

State Department emails obtained by the conservative group Citizens United this week indicate that the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine was involved in discussions about the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings and even in a meeting with a company representative, despite testifying to Congress during the impeachment inquiry that she knew little about the firm.

Burisma Holdings was at the center of impeachment proceedings against President Trump, after he pressed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a phone call to look into the Biden family’s dealings in Ukraine. Former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, held a lucrative position on the board of Burisma Holdings. More

11 Comments on Marie Yovanovich Had More Contact With Burisma Than She Testified

  1. GITMO with all of them until they spill
    it ALL out… Then federal prison for life
    or execution.The ONLY way our republic can survive.

  2. Put them all in Gitmo and only let them watch Global Warming documentaries and conduct daily Tsunami Drills where the inmates can watch the Guards practice saving themselves

  3. Epstein had it all on bill and hillary clinton. He was murdered.
    Seth Rich had it all on hillary clinton. He was murdered.

    bill and hillary clinton are traitors. They live, and they walk free.

    Obama is a traitor. He lives, and they walk free.

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