Marine Science – IOTW Report

Marine Science

When you need research that involves calculations and microscopes, you call a scientist. When you need research that involves bear spray, you call a U.S. Marine. This may not be the science we need, but it’s the science that we deserve right now.

9 Comments on Marine Science

  1. As worthless as these masks are, they are even more useless when you put them on over a beard. I swear, I’ve seen guys with such big bushy beards their mask was a half inch from their face. I asked one guy if he had a N95 beard and he just shook his head and said how stupid this all was.

  2. About 10 years ago a high school age friend was on our scout troop’s high adventure trip near Yellowstone. They had bear mace since they were in brown bear country. The trip was over, they were camping in tents the last day before heading back to civilization. He and his buddy were playing a really stupid game. His friend held the bear mace canister in front of him and he would jab at it with his knife. Well he connected with the can. In a closed 2-man tent. Other scouts heard yelling and ran to see what was up… and then ran away, heaving as they went. I believe they were blinded for a few hours and certainly threw up a lot. Glad I wasn’t there!
    Of course he earned Eagle Scout the following year.

  3. Park rangers are advising hikers and campers in national parks to be alert for bears and take extra precautions to avoid an encounter.
    They advise park visitors to wear little bells on their clothes so they make noise when hiking. The bell noise allows bears to hear them coming from a distance, so they won’t be startled by a hiker accidentally sneaking up on them, which might cause a bear to charge.
    Visitors are told they should also carry a pepper spray can just in case they encounter a bear. Spraying the pepper into the air will irritate the bear’s sensitive nose and it will run away.
    It is also a good idea to keep an eye out for fresh bear droppings so you have an idea if bears are in the area. People should be able to recognize the difference between black bear and grizzly bear scat.
    Black bear droppings are smaller and often contain berries, leaves, and possibly bits of fur. Grizzly bear droppings tend to contain small bells and smell of pepper.

  4. @Dan
    One of the hidden benefits of scouting is they are allowed to make MINOR stupid mistakes as kids so they make better decisions later in life. I spent two weeks at Philmont with my son’s scout troop in 2008.

  5. I have designed medical equipment that met the HEPA filter rating for airborne biological particles. A lot of consumer product companies tout the HEPA name on their products but you must pay attention to the exact claim. Many will state the filter “media” is HEPA rated, but they don’t mention that the frame it is in and the way it is mounted. That’s because the filter is just stuck in the device. True HEPA filtered devices are caulked around the media and the frame of the device and then each one is tested by actually exposing the inlet to harmless airborne particles and tested on the downstream side, especially at the caulked locations. Any true HEPA filtered product should have a certificate (each individual item).
    Many of the engineers and technicians I work with grew beards in 2020 so they could breathe with those stupid face diapers on all day.

  6. I worked at a chemical plant that used hydrogen sulfide as our feed stock to make other chemicals. Nothing less than self-contained breathing apparatus that supplied fresh air from a tank under positive pressure would save your life in the event of a release of hydrogen sulfide. A single breath of it is all it takes to kill you. I was glad to get out of that place. I saw several men collapse from breathing just a slight whiff of H2S.

  7. I won’t admit to the year, but while going through USMC ITR at Camp Geiger we had the wonderful experience of enjoying CS gas without a mask. This video brought back that memory. To use the modern terminology, I did LMAO. Semper Fidelis!


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