Marjorie Greene posts cross-fit video on twitter – IOTW Report

Marjorie Greene posts cross-fit video on twitter

Libs Are Triggered. Of course.

They’re really hating the It’s time to #FireFauci hashtag. lol

30 Comments on Marjorie Greene posts cross-fit video on twitter

  1. “My Covid Protector”
    She’s right on the money. So says Carl Higbie, Ian Smith, and myself. I’m a cancer survivor, 9 months, high risk. Been living in the gym, best I can clawing my way back. No mask. Only unhealthy people get the RONA. Like Terrance Pop pointed out, if the RONA were real, we’d no longer have a homeless problem

  2. Prayer everyday for our country and our freedom!! Constitution is the most important document in this world. I almost feel they are so jealous.

    Say your prayers everyday!

    God Bless us all!

  3. Dude, I should be getting cancer therapy checks from your insurance company. 9 months of you goin’ ballistic on me over nothin’, and 9 months of me sittin’ there thinkin’, “man, this guy is goin’ through some ish'”.

    Please make all cheques payable to “cash”.

    For tax purposes.

  4. Speaking of being fit…
    If The Masters golf tournament isn’t “cancelled” because it takes place in…OMG! Georgia…

    Jordan Spieth is currently at +1400 to win.
    Jordan is on the cusp on getting his mojo back.
    Should have already won three times but just alas….
    Worth a bet!

    PS, Tiger is still listed at +4200
    W U T ?
    Should be + 10000000000000000000

  5. Burr, Well, the Radiation shit was pretty fucked up. They mold a thermal plastic sheet around your head so they supposedly get you line up in the same spot every time they fry your ass. The deal is, you can’t breath for a good 2 minutes while they’re shaping that shit. Not fun. At the end of that shit I had scans all over my face. Just sayen, thank you for your concerns brother and they were not unwarranted. Which I could figure out how to spell closta phobic. Lol

  6. What about your lower back protection plan, Margie? Wear a weigbt lifting if you’re going to do overhead jerks with 165 lbs (BTW, extremely impressive for a woman her age)

    Better yet, make your next set of standing overhead presses your last. You’re too old to be doing that shit.


    An old fart who now has to deal with back problems due to reckless lifting in his 40s

  7. Blame it on caffiens, blame it on the loss of a pet, blame it on the loss of your mother, blame it on missing your train….blame it on cancer and the treatments and injuries like Tiger Woods….when your an ass you’ll always be an ass…….annnnnnd here it comes…..Thank you very much……

  8. Our founders and framers literally said government is evil..

    It obliviously didn’t sink in.

    The 16th and 17th Amendments after 120 years..? Are you still fucking kidding me..?

    Is it me, or does it feel deep down inside one has been here before, but at the same time sick to death of it..?

  9. Looks like she has 105 lbs total.
    Doesn’t matter, she is doing her thing and is fit & fine.
    Still strong enough to strangle AOC & Pelosi at the same fucking time.

    Not sure what Willys is trying to say?
    Communication is so hard these days…

  10. Abs…..on a guy.


    It’s an actual question. I decided to go for it but every single guy I know says abs are gay. Yeah, you get some muscle outline from regular working out, but I’m talking about those blobby square muscles that stick out like a lego block.

    Anybody ever done that here?

    How gay was it?

  11. Brad, you know that rumor is true.

    Aaron, I have had abs over the years.
    I have an old pic of me holding a dead snake when I was 18 and had abs.
    I was also homeless for awhile and lived in my car with my dog…
    I lived on a dollar a day and had abs then.
    I had them when training for marathons as well.
    Pre-covid I was maybe 10 lbs over fighting weight so no abs.
    I got covid, lost weight initially but during the past year I gained 20 lbs!
    It was FAST!
    Therefore I won’t be running shirtless again until June at the earliest.

    As for abs being gay? Or to get women?
    Naw, you do it for yourself.
    I had abs before they got all the press for having them.
    What was it, Brad Pitt in Thelma & Louise?

    I think the best thing about being fit & trim is when you wake up in the morning. You feel it.
    After gaining that 20 lbs, I hate looking at myself in the mirror.
    If I never had them then I would never have missed them.

  12. I meant muscle abs, not Auschwitz abs.

    ….and I think that joke covers enough bases to assure me a ticker tape parade in hell.

    It’s like a personal best.

  13. I knew a lifter that would drink straight out of a cooking oil bottle.


    I eat a clove of raw garlic every day. Haven’t been sick since I started doin’ that. I dunno’, it began as a bet. Just kept doin’ it. That’s as crazy as I get.

    Prison burpees work. Pull ups. I can’t lift anymore cause’ hernias.
    But I remember now. The only way to show the muscles is super low body fat percentage.

    And that’s just gay.


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