Marjory Stoneham Douglas History Teacher, Greg Pittman, Needs a Refresher Course – IOTW Report

Marjory Stoneham Douglas History Teacher, Greg Pittman, Needs a Refresher Course

People ask where the kid from Deliverance ended up… he teaches history in Florida.

What did this dope say? He tweeted to Kyle Kashuv that the school had the right to detain him in an office with no lawyer or parents present and interrogate him about a picture he posted of himself enjoying a day at the the gun range with his father.

As a teacher from Stoneman Douglas, any student posting photos holding guns, knives or other weapons would be questioned. 4 federal cases have ruled in the last 10 years that assault weapons are not protected. Most gun owners would not hold their gun in this same posed manner

Montel Williams stepped in-

I understand the point but this is none of yours or the school’s business, and it’s certainly inappropriate to have three cops interrogate a 16 year old (illegally mind you) over a tweet that depicts an entirely lawful activity he did with his dad?

Liz Finnegan-

Kyle tweeted-

Mr. Pittman, it was an illegal and unconstitutional detainment. See U.S. Code § 1983 and JDB v. North Carolina

1) the derogatory mentions of poliical beliefs.

2) the LEO in back of me holding my chair.

3) not contacting my parents prior

4) Calling me into a locked office 

I can go on and on… the cases you mentioned have no relevancy here. There was, prima facie, constitutional law broken. I am honestly not even sure what you’re talking about.

P.S. @GregPittman1957, assault weapons are a made up term. I have an assault spoon, right?

A history teacher who doesn’t respect the 1, 2, 4, 5, and 14th amendments. Nice!


Twitchy has the entire thing HERE.



35 Comments on Marjory Stoneham Douglas History Teacher, Greg Pittman, Needs a Refresher Course

  1. I just signed up for twitter and have been following this all day. Twitter is a leftard play ground. Every conservative should join to fight these assholes. I’m still getting the lay of he land. I joined up to express my opinion on a local level about gun control. It was the only way you could comment. They just try and crucify Sarah Palin.
    Back on topic, Kyle Kashuv made a total ass hole out of this guy. I think, I hope, Kyle has some help from the NRA. I’d like to meet the Broward Cowards that decided to strip him of his constitutional rights. Tic Tic Tic.

  2. Brad, I am not on twitter or facebook, please let us know how we should or should not go onto these sites. I’m still on the “should not” side. In other words, let us know next week when you get banned!

  3. Meerkat

    I’m buying into Mr. Pinkos point. You gotta fight them where the battle is taking place. He didn’t actually say that, but I’m pretty sure that’s where he was going. To borrow an expression from Q, “These People Are Stupid”. He’s right. You should see some of the illogical bull shit. And There are some Patriots there fighting the fight. That’s the battle ground, jump in. It really doesn’t matter who owns the turf.

  4. FU@K@ing DAMN…..I am so fucking tired of the left, Communistic ASSHOLES, indoctrinating our children…..I’m beyond ready for a revolution like these pricks have been begging for.
    I am no Bad Brad but I’m more than ready to be lead into a fight that permanently separates US from Them.
    I have little doubt BB would make a great leader and if BB is unavailable….I am still ready and BB can catch up later.
    Too much?? Fear not, this country is still worth saving.

  5. Sounds like Mr Pittman, some weekend, needs to be forcefully kidnapped off the streets and thrown into a bare locked room (Faraday cage, so no cell phone contact), with lights and loud sounds, no miranda, no contact with anyone, water but no food, a bucket to piss in (I’m feeling generous). You can bet he’d be hollering about his “rights” that he was willing to deny Kyle.

    After the weekend, gas him, remove him, and dump him. Fuck him!

  6. Sounds like Kyle should be teaching Herr Kommisar Pittman’s class, the student knows more than the “teacher”.
    Herr Kommisar Pittman isn’t a teacher, he’s a Soviet style political indoctrination officer.

  7. As a teacher from Stoneman Douglas, any student posting photos holding guns, knives or other weapons would be questioned.

    It is evident you are not an English teacher, nor do you think logically, or think very well at all. Do you mean you teach at Stoneman Douglas, or that you went to school there and now teach elsewhere? Do you think that because you can get away with the appeal to authority logical fallacy (taking the authority role yourself) unchallenged in a high school classroom that you will have the same results in the real world?

    4 federal cases have ruled in the last 10 years that assault weapons are not protected.

    Please tell us what assault weapons are and from what they are not protected? Your failure to cite actual cases in support of your assertion suggests you are again assuming you are an authority, and that is not a fact in evidence.

    Most gun owners would not hold their gun in this same posed manner

    Just how many gun owners posing for photographs have you seen? A random sample of images of people holding firearms shows a great many poses and manners of holding weapons. How long have you been associating with gun owners who tend to pose in a particular fashion unlike Mr. Kashuv? Does Homeland Security know about this?

  8. One of my best times, but yet one of my worst. Senior Graduation. High School. They use to hold these “career days”. Pretty Fing stupid. Had nothing to do with a prospective career. Anyway one of my favorite teachers was a Physics teacher. Great guy, I use to have great conversations with him. Anyway, turns out this guys a black belt in Judo. Also turns out there’s a another teacher there who’s a black belt in judo. So they do their rolling around, and then challenge any student. I had my rep. Chants of Brad, Brad, Brad, convinced me. As luck had it I wrestled (because that’s what I was doing) the other guy first. Straight ass shot at his legs. Owned him from there on out. Lifes good. Until my fav teacher says “I’m next”. I pinned his ass even faster. But I’m wondering now if winning was really that important. Shit, i’m not even drinking tonight.

  9. some educators should not be allowed to use social media outlets. double blind studies have shown it cuts into their consciousness and breathing exercises.
    ohlordy, come takes them now.

  10. @Bad_Brad – That age is a dangerous one: we’ve developed some thinking and physical skills but are way behind in developing judgment and impulse control. Those two guys were teachers, and it is clear that they taught you an important lesson that day; it just took a while for it to sink in. But sink in it did.

    I know what I’m talking about. I graduated HS three weeks after my 17th birthday, so I was even younger, with even poorer judgment, and impulsively did stupid things. But I got over it, too, my friend.

  11. I’m with you Plantsman, I am of the opinion that at least 75% of current public school teachers and professors are progressive idiots who shouldn’t be within 100 feet of children.

  12. Bcattin, Danger Will Robinson! That’s quite a creepy combination/mashup, banjo boy and Doctor Smith. Now all you gotta do is throw in is Billy Mummy in that creepy episode of The Twilight Zone where he zaps all the adults into the cornfield because he doesn’t like them.

  13. How heroic. Detain, interrogate, intimidate and threaten a 17 yo student for PICTURES of a gun on his social media. Face down a terrorist mowing down unarmed students… meh, not so brave.

    BB, ‘tis a noble gesture fighting back on Twitter. Guaranteed you’re already shadowbanned. Just sayin’

  14. Where are his parents? If this “interrogation” was as harrowing as he says, you’d think his parents would be taking action against the school. I mean, right now this is only being litigated on Twitter by their 16-year-old son. Am I the only one that finds that odd?

  15. Dianny, I don’t find it odd. While it may mean there’s less to the story than meets the eye, it also might mean they think they have a solid case they can win in the courtroom, in which case [further] appeals to public opinion would be counterproductive. Or maybe they’re just following the Hogg strategy: The more sympathetic “child” takes the public point; the parents work behind the scenes. I don’t think Kyle wrote those tweets unassisted, do you? More power to them. Take these jackholes to the cleaners.

  16. “…the school had the right to detain him in an office with no lawyer or parents present and interrogate him…”

    Wrong country and wrong time, fish head. This is what the Left have in store for those that refuse the “yoke”.

  17. The Deplorable TWP…”I don’t think Kyle wrote those tweets unassisted, do you?” Yeah I do. He’s very bright and has proved it in TV interviews with the opposition.
    We all knew some very bright students when we were that age.


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