Mark Dice- AOC’s Stupidity is Contagious and It’s Spreading Throughout the Democrat Party – IOTW Report

Mark Dice- AOC’s Stupidity is Contagious and It’s Spreading Throughout the Democrat Party

8 Comments on Mark Dice- AOC’s Stupidity is Contagious and It’s Spreading Throughout the Democrat Party

  1. The dems turned their base into a bunch of rabid, anti-capitalist, class warefare lunatics that expect everything should be free at least to them. Sorry Howard, lecturing them on reality isn’t going to work. You and the rest of the old school dems left are going to have to join the team to defeat them.

  2. Commissar Cortez has turned Governor Hickenlooper into Comrade Clueless. Only Howard Schultz dares to speak the truth to the asses attending this Eighth World Congress of the Communist International, and he was treated like a Trotskyite. If he doesn’t have an unfortunate encounter with a ice axe before he upends the Socialist-Demographic Party’s Grand Illusion, it will be very surprising.


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